• Nope. DOG: male - female - baby = "dog" - "bitch" - "pup" HOUND: male - female - baby = "dog" - "bitch" - "pup" COYOTE: male - female - baby = "dog" - "bitch" - "pup" or "whelp" PRAIRIE DOG: male - female - baby = "boar" - "sow" - "pup" WEASEL: male = "dog" or "buck" or "hob" or "Jack" female = "bitch" or "doe" or "Jill" baby = "kit" GROUP NAMES: DOG: "litter" (pups from one mother) or "pack" (wild) or "kennel" HOUND: "cry" or "mute" or "pack" COYOTE: "pack" or "rout" PRAIRIE DOG: "coterie" or "town" WEASEL: "gang" ---
  • Yes, a Sire.
  • Yes, there is. Although male dogs are usually just called dogs, there are other words. Stud (Usually a male dog used for breeding purposes). Sire (Usually a parent). Those two are used, especially in breeding - but they can be used generically for "male dog" as well - though would be regarded as being incorrect. The other term is "cur." If you want a snarky answer, "Son of a ----." Literally.
  • I was wondering the same thing!! I couldn't think of what the answer was at first, but when I saw 'stud' and 'sire' I knew those were right!!

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