• Most likely... or it is "rejecting", which is close enough to the same thing. I had mine done, and it rejected. I tried and tried to get it to heal, but eventually, it simply pushed the bar out through the surface.
  • What do you mean religiously? How often are you cleaning it. You should only be cleaning it twice a day. It's probably not infected, don't forget that it's a fresh piercing. It could just be the healing. Cuts dont always look that good while they are healing, right? If it's not oozing anything I would say you are safe. If you are cleaning it more then twice a day chances are that is what is causing the irriration.
  • my cousin went and got hers done and i went with her and i was w/ her that whole first week and it sounds like the same thing hers was red too. and now hers looks amazing.
  • i doubt it its getting used to it, try 'air it out' uncover your stomach for a bit during the day as your clothes rub as it was only 3 days ago it should be okit does take like 12 weeks to heal
  • My daughter used tea tree oil not salt. But then, she is allergic to iodine in salt.
  • dont worry about it at all. make sure that your bar is a nice metal. i got mine 2 weeks ago and it hurt like a bitch until i changed to a 70$ ring. its just new i dont think anything is wrong. wait it out before you take it out or anything. i doubt rejection, just make sure you cant see the bar throughg your skin.
  • it could just be your body getting use to it because think about it three days ago your body had a piece of metal put in it its just adjusting it will be fine just keep it clean
  • ive recenlty had my belly button done and today i have red spots on the right hand side . could it be an allergic reaction ?
  • I have the same exact problem, except mine was done 6 days ago. Today after school I went back to the tattoo parlor where I had it done, she said your hands have to be COMPLETELY clean. Just a little dirt can cause an infection. Mine is very sensitive also, I've heard thats normal though.
  • its still so new. keep cleaning it, let air get to it. but go back to the piercer and have them check it out. you just might be pulling it a little bit. but let them check it
  • It's probably not infected, navel piercings tend to do that. However, you could be OVER cleaning it! Just clean it in the morning, maybe mid day, and at night before you go to bed.
  • You just put a HOLE in your body and you're surprised that it hurts? Really?
  • I've always used rubbing alcohol to clean my piercings. I first wipe my hands and then dab the alcohol around the piercing. It will clean out any bacteria, while salt water won't. Expect soreness for awhile.

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