• It literally means, "The tub is open." It's said by the Mayor of Munich every Octoberfest! source:
  • At the opening ceremony of the annual Oktoberfest the Mayor of Munich drives a tap into the first barrel of beer. As soon as he (or she, if a future female Mayor) has succeeded, he shouts "O'zapft is!". Then he serves the first Mass (a mug of one liter) to the Bavarian head of state. Only after this, beer is served to all other guests and visitors. This phrase is hard to understand for everyone from outside Bavaria, in standard German it would be "Es ist angezapft" = "It is tapped", meaning the barrel. Fun fact: the Mayor's popularity hinges on how few hits with the wooden hammer he needs. Present Mayor Ude broke all records (only two hits!), was widely reported to do training before the event.
  • its actualy is "es ist abgezapft" which means its open! In Bavaria they speak a lazy slang of the german language...i scheme thats why ur translator couldnt tell you either. Habedieehre

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