• depends on what voltage it is ? like if its over 200,000 volts it wil most likely kill him
  • Why would you need to? If it's a small animal it wouldn't really be difficult to control. At least, not that difficult that you'd need to prod it.
  • Yes, I asked this question. I'm a science fiction/horror writer who uses Answerbag to do research for stories. Therefore, some of my questions may come across as somewhat bizarre. Unfortunately, my stories jar the moral sensitivities of some religious fanatics here on Answerbag who take these opportunities to speak outright lies about me. I had thought that they and I had made peace and "buried the hatchet" in recent times. I guess I was naive. Do I really need to include a background disclaimer of my purpose on every question that I ask?
  • Safe for whom - the animal or the person holding the prod?
  • Just 'cos I thought someone should answer the question I googled this (and Jesus did I turn up some bizarre things ...oops I said Jesus... I now know a lot about cattle prods and their various uses. ). If it helps, the main manufacturers of cattle prods seem to generally reccomend that they are only used on adult cattle, not calves. Therefore I suspect its probably not recommended for anything smaller, e.g. cats and dogs, although there were some news stories about dogs used for dog-fighting who had been severely injured through suspected use of cattle prods or similar instruments and had to be put down.
  • This is not an out of order question. With the great influx of Pit Bull Terriers, and the horrific damage they can inflict on adults, children as well as your beloved pet, I too would like to know if using a cattle prod will do grave bodily harm to the Pit Bull. Judging from the tone of the answers here I think it best to go to a manufacturer of cattle prods and get a reliable definitive answer.
  • I would think that the best person to ask would be the manufacturer of the cattle prod, then ask a vet. It would also be determined by the voltage and amperage of the cattle prod. I have read the comment threads and seen that you are asking it for research for novel. I hope that is so. I would think that a vet with a large with old practice would be better able to answer this question. You would have to be very clear in telling them why you are asking and you probably are going to get flack for it anyway. The SPCA would be the final authority, I would think, but I cannot imagine you being able to ask them.
  • I just stumbled upon this link while researching the same question. I cannot believe how weird some of the people on here are. Why does someone have to be writing a book to ask this question? I am searching because we have a crazy lady in our neighborhood who is afraid of all dogs (except her very large dog) and has zapped a couple of dogs. I am fearful of her getting our dog who is old and has a weak heart. So it is possible this person wants to know for their own knowledge. I think those of you who immediately go to sex with animals need psychiatric help. Because that did not even cross my mind. Nor did religion, writing a book or dog fighting. WOW what a crazy bunch! What I have found so far is that it should not kill a young healthy large dog (80lbs plus). I only know this because I know that she has used it on a few dogs in the neighborhood. I was hoping to find something to send her to give her some perspective, but I can't send this crazy crap. She would think I am a nut job.
  • I am tired of animal owners run wild around the neighborhood in the same manner they do there kids. After their unrulely dog bites someone or attacks another animal they are also the first ones to denie responsibility. I say shock first and ask questions later.
  • Can you get a low amp/volt prod that is safe for an out of control dog? My brothers dog is so out of control we don't know what we can do with it.
  • Dear HungryGuy- Let me first start by saying this answer is in no way to sugest the mis-use of a cattle prod, in other words DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOU HAVE A DOG/S THAT LOCK ON TO THEIR VICTIMS, AND ONLY WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS! I am an animal lover, and animal rights activist in every sense of the word. However, I have been around both American bulldogs (100+ lbs), and Staffy (English breed) bulls. Both of these breeds have what is known as a lock jaw. Additionally, in no way have I ever meant for a dog fight to occur!!! However, there have been a few occassions where two male dogs where latched on to each other, because both dogs are big dogs, and because you want to discontinue the fighting in a hurry, in hopes of protecting both dogs, I have used a Cattle prod for this purpose. Once these dogs are locked onto each other it is nearly impossible to get them off. I have tried other things, like tying a rope around ones dogs next, then tying the rope around a tree, while I pry the other dog of with my bare hands. This method does not work well, or fast. The cattle prod, which my roomate tested on himself first, feels like a bee sting. It's a strong shock, but nothing that could do serious harm to a dog of 75+ pounds. In fact, I could assume it does less harm than the jaws of another dog. Also, it only takes one zap to the dog and they imediately let go. AGAIN>>>> DO NOT USE UNLESS THERE IS NO OTHER OPTION Hope this helps!
  • I have 2 Westies and I have walked my dogs on leases through the neighbor hood. One dirrection a pit bull attacked my male I got to the dog quick enough that my male was not hurt. So I started walking my dogs the other way through the neighborhood. A couple days ago another pit bull off a leash with owner present started to attack my male Westie. In both cases the owner of the pit bulls ended up wanting to fight with me because I said if it happened again I would end it whith their dog probably not surviving. Use my gun. I am tired of irresponsible pit owners not taking steps to control their dogs and then making excuses about it. This is why I used Google and found this site. I am going to buy a cattle prod and if this situation occurs again the cattle prod will be used instead of my gun. I happen to run two animal related organizations and anyone who know me knows I am do work tirelessly to help companion animals. But I refuse to take the chance of one of my Westies being hurt dure to irresponsible pit owners. As for me and my house we are giong to use the cattle prod. Beats the alternitive of Shooting the pits.
  • Uhhh no!

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