• ...What?
  • Rhode Island is 1545 square miles (4002 sq km) The largest county equivalent by (total) area is Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska, at 147,843 square miles (382,912 km²), while the largest county is North Slope Borough, Alaska, at 94,763 square miles (245,435 km²). So yes. sources:
  • Sure, look in Texas. That's a big state with a lot of stuff jammed into it. I figure the counties must be pretty big. Maybe Alaska too, I dunno. Rhode island is pretty small...
  • For one thing the US is a country, Rhode Island is a state. If you mean state, all the states in the US are bigger than the state of Rhode Island. Learn some geography and then try posting again.
  • There are a quite a few counties in the western part that can easily dwarf Rhode Island.
  • Many counties are bigger. Many lakes are bigger. Bigger is not always better, however. I'll take Little Rhody any day.

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