• If you're talking about the United States, the rich people pay astronomically more taxes, the poor people pay less taxes. People just complain because sorry, but most people are stupid. Ask 50 people on the streets what the Bill of Rights is, and I'm estimating that 40 or more will not know it's the first ten amendments to the constitution. Ask 50 people on the street what the federalist papers are, maybe 3 will know. After 9/11, car accident deaths skyrocketed because people were scared to fly, even though flying is still several orders of magnitude safer than driving! People listen to media agenda setting far too much nowadays, and actually know very little. It has to do with basic human psychology. Anyway, the graduated income tax system of the U.S. ensures that the rich pay more taxes than the middle class who pay more taxes than the poor. In fact, the top 25% of the nation accounts for 99% of the taxes paid, how much more exactly do you want them to pay?
  • I'm sorry, but what on earth are you talking about? "rich people" DO NOT pay less taxes in the US.....despite what some would like you to think.
  • You are obviously talking about the percentage of income that is paid in taxes, rather than the actual number of dollars that are paid. The simple answer is that you don't live in a democracy, but that you live in a Capitalist society. Unfortunately, we all do.
  • I was going to answer this but creaturex hit it squarely on the head. It is a myth that the rich pay less taxes than the poor. It is correct that the top 25% of the richest in this nation accounts for 99% of the taxes paid. Many rich people, just take Elvis for example made so much money they are in the 90% tax bracket. That's 90 percent of their income that is going to income tax! I really cant improve on creaturex's answer. It's dead on.
  • In don't know what country you live in, but in The united states, we have progressive income tax, meaning that the rich have a higher tax rate than the poor. It makes more sense because poor people have much less disposable income, therefore they need their money more.
  • There are a lot of misconceptions on this issue and people often use the power of statistics to skew the truth. First, let's consider what the difference is between the middle class WORKING people and RICH people. The answer is obvious, people that work earn income and people that are rich have lots of money. There are large differences between the tax rates for earned income money than capital gains. Most working people do not earn a substantial amount of their money from capital gains. Capital gains can easily be understood as money that is earned from buying something and selling it for more than you purchased it. Capital gains are currently taxed at a rate of 15%. The tax structure is an escalating structure where money that is earned over $31,850 is taxed at 25% or higher. This is how rich people pay less tax (as a percentage of their total earnings), than working people. Most people don't understand statistics very well, so a misleading statement is used, "the rich pay the majority of all taxes." This is true, but they also make substantially more money than most people. As a percentage of the wealth they earn, often rich people pay less in taxes than middle class people. The poor in no way pay more taxes, most don't pay any. Wow, -3 rating?? The truth hurts doesn't it? Obviously as a whole, the rich pay more taxes. However as a percentage of their total wealth earned per year, working class people pay SIGNIFICANTLY higher taxes as a percentage of their earnings. If you don't believe me, look at the IRS income tax tables.

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