• Either deny it, or tell your children that they are now angels and they are there to protect them.
  • Explain to the kids that being watched by the dead is not a bad thing, in most cases, unless they are misbehaving or something... Spin it - spin it to your advantage if you want to. The point is that MIL was expressing the belief that people who pass on watch over us lovingly and somehow the kids misunderstood that to mean that (i see dead people) kind of scary thing. You need to explain the loving part of what was meant. OR if you are atheist or something you can say MIL is a crazy superstitious lady who should be ignored when talking about dead people watching us and angels and what not like that ;)
  • Explain that what she meant was that they were like people in the stands during a big game, that people who have lived before are cheering for us as we live and accomplish great things. They are not spying on us; they simply see what others see, that we are trying very hard and growing very fast. You can also tell them that people in Heaven don't have a lot of time for watching us and can only really see the things that God shows them. When they see the good, it makes them very happy. Good is all they can see. I hope some of that helps. None of it is particularly theologically sound, but they don't need to have their grandmother discredited; nor do they need to be in fear of dead people peeking at them.
  • 1) The important thing is: "what do *you* think happens whith dead parents?" If your children have such a reaction, it is first because of the stories which they were told, but maybe also because you never told them anything about death. Do *you* have something to tell them? Or do you have no idea, because you do not want to talk about this issue yourself? 2) I have a positive representation of what happens after you die. And children need this too. But what you will present to them depends from your particular beliefs and it must be something that you can accept yourself. 2) I would also address the harm done, and tell my mother in law what happened after she told your children this: that they were afraid, and that you think it is bad to make them afraid. 3) Every parent want to prepare their children for life the best they can, giving them some wisdom. But children get many other influences, and this is very good, because there is many wisdom in the world. Of course, there is also much foolishness. But the children must learn to make their choices and be confronted with all these ideas. And if they did not heard this story from your mother in law, they could have heard another story from someone else.
  • Tell them the truth -- that we don't really know what happens when people die. That different religions exist because people have different theories about what happens. But "if" they are watching over us, you know that it's in a good way.
  • Tell them that Grandma is drinks too much and tells stories. That's what my parents always said.
  • This is an easy one I think. I would tell them yes they are gone but they are in Heaven now ,and yes they are watching OVER YOU to make sure that you are safe and they will always be there in SPIRIT to watch over you. There is No reason to be afraid, when you pray at night time, they are praying with you.
  • Keep it simple. Kids don't need, nor do they want, to get involved in heady analysis. The "drinks too much" idea is along these lines but doesn't make her a good example for the kids, whether it's true or not, so I am not suggesting that. How about something along the lines of: She misses her folks and likes to think that they're still around, but they're not, really.
  • If you are Christian, the Bible at Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 says: 5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward, and even the memory of them is forgotten. 6 Their love, their hate and their jealousy have long since vanished; never again will they have a part in anything that happens under the sun. 7 Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do. 8 Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil. 9 Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun— all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, [a] where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.
  • alright, hows this. let ur kids believe in the real world mom and dad watches over that better. ive been a dad 4 27yrs and my kids live in the real world with me watching over them.that way they dont have to pretend a ghost is gonna scare them. my opinion, my answer.everybodys different
  • they only watch over you be/c they love you. and if that dont work tell your kids that they not only watch over you but all your cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandma and grandpa. they dont just watch you all the time. they just want to make sure that everyone is ok and happy
  • Just say: Kids your grandma is a crack head and doesn't know what she is saying because she is always high so don't listen to that wrinkle bag.
  • Tell your kids that their grandma just thinks that her dead parents have nothing better to do than watch people who are still alive - and in truth she dosn't know what they are doing or even if their in any state to do anything whatsoever. And if this starts a big dispute in your household then let it - as this will be a healthy thing for both your children and your mother in law.
  • If they are scared by what she said, they must be confused. I think you should explain to them what their grandmother meant, and what you think about it. If they were my children, I'd say: "No one knows what happens when you die. Some people, like nana, believe that when you die, your spirit or soul continues to exist, and you can watch over the people you love on Earth. I believe that when you die, that is the end of you. As you grow older, you will start to develop your own ideas about what happens when you die: your own faith. Because nobody knows the truth, it's important to respect what other people believe, and not to tell them they're wrong or to make fun of them, even if you believe differently than they do. When nana said her parents are watching over you, she didn't mean to scare you. To her, it's a comforting thought. If it isn't comforting to you, you don't have to think about it, and if you like, you can ask her politely not to talk to you about it anymore, if she brings it up again. But I hope you know that no one means you any harm, and that if there are spirits watching over you, they are doing so because they love you, and because they want to keep you safe."
  • You can explain to the children that loved ones on the other side of life still LOVE and care for them in a very special way .... Tell them it is like more Angels watchinig over them and they aren't afraid of the Angels, are they ? God Bless You and the children ... I'll leave blessing of Spirit with you ..
  • tell your children that she was joking and when they get older they will understand what she meant

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