• Sounds like a good reason to me!
  • Love. Companionship. Family with children. Consolidate finances. File joint taxes
  • Marriage is just a piece of paper and if he wishes to leave he can still do so just as easily. Commitment and trust should be there regardless of a piece of paper so if you are feeling insecure in your relationship then perhaps you should be talking to him.
  • A piece of paper will never keep a man where he doesn't want to stay. That's probably about one of the worst reasons to get married. If you feel disposable, that's a self esteem issue you need to work on well before you even think about marriage.
  • There are a few perks of being married but you only get them if each partner are willing to sacrafice the same as the other. A lot of people are affraid of commitment and getting over that usually doesn't happen. Usually those fears are because there is something that is unsettling to the person. It may be you or it may be another part of his life but until he gets over it marriage is a risk you should not push. Keeping you at a distance thus making you feel disposable may be his defence. There is nothing you can do but choose to wait for him to get over it or for him to do what you fear. Now as for marriage, the biggest and best reason to get married is to have a crutch. Why else do we make specific friends, its because they have something we need or they help us out in aspects of life we fail. Whether its for a laugh we needed or a ride to work. being married is no different but you make a commitment to be each others crutch. This is a terrible way to explain love its raw.
  • Sara, that is the wrong reason to get married and will only be a recipe for the marriage to fail. It's a marriage with an ultimatum. A reason to get married is that neither of you can imagine ever imagine living any moment of your life without the other. Like others said, marriage can just be a piece of, especially a marriage based on the fact that you are scared your SI will leave without it. Marriage has rarely kept a person within the marriage just because of the marriage. Marriage should be based on love, tenderness, commitment, a desire and unconditional acceptance of each other.
  • honestly ther is no reason to get married. u should be just as happy w/out that piece of paper than with it. a ring, a piece of paper, a party isnt gonna prove that u wanna spend the rest of ur life w/that person. its waking up next to them, laughing, arguing, cooking, crying, getting mad . . . . its knowing that ur never going to anyone else for anything ever again but to him. if u want to get married for that reason ur probably not going to be married for that long. marriage isnt necessary. its just a social thing, and an excuse to spend tons of money on jewels, dresses, and mindless party stuff that isnt gonna mean anything 40 or 50 years later. now as far as u being disposable . . . i doubt thats even the case. im sure ur not going anywher. to me he made a commitment enough by inviting u into his home and making u part of his life.
  • hi Sara, babieeeeeeee, don't fret because you'll get married....just be ready when the time comes ;-) and you're not disposable cuz we luv you on AB ^.^
  • I think a better idea is to just work on making the relationship stronger. Marriage doesn't guarantee commitment. If a relationship is gonna self-destruct it's gonna do that whether two people are married or not.
  • marriage does not equate stability. but i understand what you are saying... you need to sit down and talk about commitment with your man. you need to feel secure in the relationship before any bigger steps are taken.
  • Love, knowing that he is truly the one that you want to spend the rest of your life with. I dont think that a fear of being kicked out is a good reason to get married. Personally I am 18, dating a 25 year old for about 9.5 months now. And I am ready for commitment from him. But he tells me that unless I give him a deadline of when he will put off proposing for awhile. I would tell your bf- if you are ready- that he has until such and such a date to pop the ? or you will hit the road for a man the will commit. And stick to your word!!!!
  • I am 27 and my fiancee is 33. We have been together for eight years and we finally decided to tie the knot! Tomorrow is our big day! Now, to answer your question; all I know darl is that every couple has their own reasons for getting married! Therefore, I can only offer you my own reasons for what I think are good reasons for getting married. Now, based on our experience as a couple, although our commitment to each other is stronger then ever NOW, I do recall a lot of times in the past that my fiancee and I had to "pull all of our strength together" to make it through some of those "harder" times. Despair not though, as what we have discovered is that sometimes, through hard times, good can result too! For example, we have found that these not-so-good times have been good "indicators" of what our relationship is really made of. For example, it allows each partner to see what the other partner does to HELP deal with these hard times. Also, how each other deals within these times too. As a result, this has helped us to determine some of our compatibilities, dependability, and mutual affection in our relationship. In turn, these qualities enhance our "good times", as we are aware of what it takes for each other and ourselves to get to the "happier times". Subsequently, I think good reasons for getting married are not only compatibility, dependability, affection, effort and sometimes hardwork, but also, I think good reasons for getting married are also knowing that both partners will do what it takes to endure through the harder times together as well as remembering to appreciate and enjoy the times when things are rolling along smoothly while in these moments. Everyone has there own reasons for what they think are good reasons for getthing married. Hope this helps your to find yours. Good luck!!!
  • Getting married should not be done out of NEED. It should be done when 2 people can be independent of one another but CHOOSE to spend the rest of their life together.
  • there is NO good reasons if any reasons at all outside of religion, the fact of your comment is just one more reason not to be married. your assuming he is trapted.
  • I am not sure why you feel disposable in your relationship. But wanting commitment is not the way to keep yourself around... If you want to be wanted (or FEEL wanted), you shud make yourself indispensable by being supportive in areas of his life that he cannot overlook as he has got much to deal with (men are not multitasker like women, so there will be areas he missed out sometimes), being supportive of his ideals in life (for example: even if u disagree of him wanting to be a and comment on his work so he can improve.) and enjoys his hobbies...most of all...dun ask him to commit when he is not ready to. He would want you in his life himself, without you having to nail him down.

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