• Can you give some examples of this neglect? your question covers a vast area of situations.
  • Since i have not received a response from you, i will attempt to answer your question, based soley on jealousy. How long have you been married and how long has this "choice" been ruining your life? it seems as though your husband is more content with his natural family, than his married family. why is this? only you can give the answer. Does your husband respect you? i say no, based on your question. again, why? if you are an honest, trustworthy person, then its time for a wake-up call for your husband. sit down and write a letter, not an email, and explain the way you feel and give him one of three choices: 1. you 2. his family 3. the highway. This worked for another family, in this situation. it cleared the air and the family is reunited. good luck.
  • when u get married ur husband and u are suppose 2put each other first and ur own family u are know 2gether as one and u should tell him u feel like u are being put last
  • That;s exactly why I figured I'd never marry a divorced man. But now I'm so much older! Is it bad! was he married before, or is he comparing you to his immediate family>?

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