• HI! I wrote those others see I'm desperate too! No! Joking, I'm trying to just smile and try not to sound too pathetic saying HI!
  • Walk up to them and ask hows it goin. if they respond without a weirld look that says "get away" then take the conversation and flow with it
  • Walk over to him and introduce yourself. Once, you've introduced yourself, then ask him what he does for fun? Basically, carry on a simple conversation like you would with any friend! Good luck!
  • Walk over and say hello. Try not to look too obvious that you like him E.G. blushing. Make eye contact but try to make sure you're eyes don't give away your real intention! Make a conversation like any normal person would. Look out for similarities between you two, and sometimes talk about them. Make sure you find out his name! Then when you next talk to him, it'll feel a bit more better and less daunting (If it was daunting to talk to him first time). You'll get more and more confident with talking to him over time. Then you can look out for hints being dropped by him (stating he likes you more than a friend), and you'll be together in no time! (this worked for me) ALSO, make sure that when you talk to him, try to be yourself. Don't be someone you aren't. Also, make sure you're not too glamorous or too shabby when you talk to him. Try To Be: > Confident > Kind > Fun/ny > Friendly Sorry, I posted this as a comment!!!!!

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