• Who is giving you this eye exam.? sounds like cataracts. cataracts are like a camera thats out of focus. see an eye specialist and also be tested for glaucoma. Places, like doctors value vision, are not the people you need to examine your eyes. take care of your vision. you have only one set of eyes. blurry driving vision is dangerous to yourself and the motoring public.
  • Your stomach controls your eyesight alot. If your stomach is upset it can change your vision, ear infections can cause it too. My father always told me to never get examined with a nervous or upset stomach. Always be tested twice, a week or so apart, before you purchase glasses from a prescription.
  • Go for a second opinion neveer take the first one for sure i have had simelar problems to your self they gave me new glasses but they were not strong enough so i went back. Good luck get a second opinion ok.
  • 1) When was the last time you got your eyes checked anyway? 2) If you got your eyes checked recently, I advise you to get your eyes checked somewhere else. The problem might be that the person who was doing your eye examination wasn't doing his or her job right.

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