• Dao or Tao - translated 'The Way' - is probably the most pervasive and widely recognised idea in philosophy. In the views of some historians, Taoism has never quite fit into the mold of a unified religion. Scholars like Robinet maintained the view that Taoism and its adherents, like Confucianism or other schools of thoughts in China, should not be classified as organized religions, as some historians may possibly be seeking to discredit the significance of Taoism. In line with the core teachings of Tao Te Ching, Taoism adherents are expected to learn and understand ways of Tao and the benefits therefrom in their own perspective. Despite the lack of scholastic investigation, Taoism is the only current belief system with Continuous revelation in the form of Fuji or Sift Text communications. Taoist theology focuses on doctrines of wu wei ("non-action"), spontaneity, humanism, relativism and emptiness. This philosophical aspect of Taoism emphasizes various themes found in the Tao Te Ching (道德經) such as naturalness, vitality, peace, "non-action" (wu wei), emptiness (refinement), detachment, the strength of softness (or flexibility), and in the Zhuangzi 《庄子》such as receptiveness, spontaneity, the relativism of human ways of life, ways of speaking and guiding behavior. Taoism is a peaceful religion. It has been often said that it is impossible to say in words what Tao is and really capture its meaning. Tao can be roughly stated to be the flow of the universe, or the force behind the natural order. Tao is believed to be the influence that keeps the universe balanced and ordered. Tao is associated with nature, due to a belief that nature demonstrates the Tao. The flow of qi, as the essential energy of action and existence, is compared to the universal order of Tao. Tao is compared to what it is not, like the negative theology of Western scholars. It is often considered to be the source of both existence and non-existence Tao is also associated with a "proper" attitude, morality and lifestyle. This is intimately tied to the complex concept of De (å¾·), or literally "virtue". De is the active expression of Tao. Taoism generally expresses this as "integrity" or "wholeness". Tao is considered a "way", while De is the active living, or cultivation, of that "way". SEE:

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