• Postal codes in Canada are 6 digit-long, alternating 1 letter and 1 number starting with a letter : X1X1X1. The first letter of the postal code varies by province, starting east and going west, A being in Newfoundland and X in Yukon. Not all letters are valid in postal codes so they can't be mixed up with other similar ones (like F does not exist, because E does and they look alike). In Quebec (province), postal codes either start with G, H or J. In Montreal and surroundings, it is H, in Quebec City and surroundings, it is G. You can lookup postal codes on You don't need to fill up all the squares, just type what you know and it'll give it to you!
  • Well, it depends what street the person lives on. Are you trying to write a letter to someone? If so, you can try using to find out the person's postal code.

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