• This is just my thought on it and I could be wrong but I thought that a journal is written by you and can be read by others. Some people keep journals for that intention. A dairy is written thoughts of refference that is to be private.
  • a journal is a bit like a log. there are no feelings in it, just things that happened. like a shipping log for instance. people can read it without hard feelings. a dairy is far more personal. in most cases its for the writers eyes only. it also has things in it that happened, but it has feelings in it too, and personal thoughts on things.
  • Just a personal opinion, but my view of the difference is almost the opposite of the previous answers. A diary is a fairly open document, and often used in the future: you put appointments into a diary, and you log events. A journal is a personal record, usually intended for yourself alone or for a a therapist. My wife teaches a course on therapeutic journaling ("Journal to the Self") and in this context it is definitely intended to be private. If you search for Journaling, I think you will find most references to be as a personal record of feelings as well as events.
  • If you are thinking of a personal journal or diary, they are virtually the same thing. For example, the website, a website devoted completely to journals and diaries, uses them interchangeably throughout the website. Also on wikipedia diary goes to journal. While on the one hand, the word diary is ALWAYS used for more personal situations like The Diary of Anne Frank or Freedom Writers. On the other hand the word journal is more broad and can be used for many other things. The Wall Street Journal or the Journal of Science for example. You can also use the word journal for accounting and MANY other situations. Source(s): If you are planning to start a journal or diary I highly recommend Pyxlin (it is the best journaling system i have seen):

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