• You could be having anxiety or stress. Either way, your brain is parallel processing information, that's how weird dreams happen. It's normal.
  • One way to interpret dreams is to "be" the objects or people in the dream. The dreams are about you and how you're feeling. Be the animal. What do you believe the animal might be thinking? What are you thinking as you're running? These are supposed to be issues you'r trying to deal with. If a barn is in your dream, what is the symbolism of the barn . . . what would it be thinking if it could think? This is just a theory, but it's the best one I've ever come across. It takes come real concentration for me to do this.
  • Stay out of the jungle. LOL! Maybe you feel like you're hunted. Maybe it's just a dream. I wouldn't worry.
  • Have you been watching lots of wildlife programmes? Perhaps it's something to do with animal instincts. Trust your instincts.
  • It is time for you to get yourself a good super soaker and come out shooting...LOL No,seriously it was said if you are running from something like that then you..have a fear in real life that you need to face and then your mind will be clear...
  • I used to have these dreams ALL the time... I was being chased and sometimes cornered by wild animals- wolves, wild dogs and lions mostly... They would never actually get to the point they would bite me because I would wake up before that, but they would chase me and almost get to me. I read somewhere that the interpretation had to do with this simple fact: One of your friends isn't really a true friend at all. It is up to you to figure out which one of your friends really ISN'T your friend, and those dreams will go away. After many on and off fights with one of my friends and the things other people would tell me about how she was just using me and would bash me behind my back, it was easy to figure out which one of the 'offending' friends was causing me these nightmares... Today, I am no longer friends with her and have not had one single nightmare like that since I ended our friendship once and for all- good riddance to her and good riddance to those nightmares- HOPE THAT HELPS! The biggest obstacle is doing something about your not-so-true-friend... GOOD LUCK!
  • Being chased can mean you are avoiding a situation. Being chased by animals can also be your own anger projected into the animal. Being attacked by a lion also symbolizes obsticles to overcome.
  • I Have This All The Time, I Have Lions And Tigers e.c.t Chase Me Nearly every Night,I Get This And Where Other Poeple Are Actually Tryign To Kill Me And My Family. I End Up Waking Up In Sweats Because Im So Scared Of Whats Goign To Happen, Ive Learnt What The Chasing Dream Means, Its Very Personal But I Dont Mind Sharing It As You All With Never Know me, I Have A Very Bad Disorder That I Hide From Everyone , I Have Only Ever Told One Person About This , As I Dont Want To Face Facts And Show That I Have It , This Disoreder Is The Most Upseetign Thing In My Life , And Im Runnign Away From It , Trying To Hide It And Pretednd It Isnt Me , I Know For A Fact That I Shouldnt Be Doing This ,I Shouldnt Be Ashamed And I Should Own Up To Havign This, Its Past Of Me & I Know I Shouldnt Be Judged , Im Just Sacred That i Will , This Is What My Dreams Teelign Me, Im Runnign Away From It All The Time , And They Will Only End , When I Coem To Terms With My Disorder And Not Keep my Whoel Life A Secret. I Hope This Helps, In Your Case Its Obvously Means That You Arent Admittign To Somehtitng You Shoudl be .

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