• Moles, or nevi, are frequently removed for a variety of reasons. They can be removed by 2 surgical methods: * Excision (cutting) with stitches: Click here to view step-by-step photos of this type of mole removal. * Excision with cauterization (a tool is used to burn away the mole): Click here to view step-by-step photos of this type of mole removal. Although laser has been tried for moles, it is not usually the method of choice for most deep moles because the laser light doesn’t penetrate deeply enough. Typically, the doctor or dermatologist (a skin specialist) may choose excision with or without stitches depending on the depth of the mole and the type of cosmetic outcome desired - There's another method which uses \"natural\" thing -
  • The Moles in gardens are easily driven away (to your neighbours) by concreting your garden from fence to fence, or, more popular, with your neighbours, wait till it's just rained and then excavate yr whole garden down 6 or 7 feet and sell it in bags off your front drive as best topsoil at whatever the local market will allow. Install a swimming pool. The kids and the neighbours will love you.
  • If you are talking about garden type moles the best way to get rid of them is to go to a garden shop and purchase a bottle of fox urine scent. As a fox is a natural predator of moles, this usually works pretty well. You simply take the fox urine and dribble it on a cotton ball then drop the cotton ball in the mole holes.
  • Buy a beach windmill, they are usually bright and plasticky coloured and you get them in beach shops and toy shops. Sticking one or two in molehills as they appear, or just sticking them in the ground near the molehills, drives the moles away because they don't like the vibrations caused by the spinning windmills.
  • We had a terrible mole problem this past summer. They'd even managed to set up some kind of colony underneath our house! Everywhere you'd go in the yard you'd sink down into the ground where they'd been digging their tunnels. So here is what we did: We poisoned those suckers! Wheeeheeee! You bet we did! You can use any type of rodent poison, it doesn't really matter. We took some moth balls and covered them in rat poison, then poked them down into the ground wherever we felt a tunnel (you can tell where the tunnels are because the earth is all squishy). When the moles come back to those particular tunnels, they'll come across the poison and eat it. Just keep an eye on the yard for dead moles in the grass. Wouldn't want the kids or pets to get a hold of them. Good luck!
  • My husband sprays all the area with a mix of water lemon scented soap and lemon scented ammonia. The ammonia is not necessarybut adds fertilizer. THe soap gives them diaherrea and they leave. It may need to be reapplied especially after rain.
  • I think I've tried every trick in the book. I was told that moles are bleeders/if cut they will bleed to death and to cut off 6" sections from either a rose or blackberry bush and stick them down into their holes. Which I did with blackberry vines (hoping to God they didn't take root and begin growing in my yard). I didn't notice a decline in the activity in my yard based on less mole hills daily. In fact I noticed where they had shoved up some of the vines to the surface and left them on top of the grass next to a fresh mound of dirt. I just recently heard of a plant which is suppossed to repel moles - it's called euphorbia lathyris and is also known as the mole plant - I bought some seeds and will give it a try.
  • 1) Feed the mole worthless information that they can pass on to an enemy agent/cell thus identifying them as the mole. (Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) 2) Strychnine on parsnips or turnips. (works for gophers as well). 3) Moles on the skin can be surgically removed.
  • Another suggestion my brother told me he'd done and had success with was to hook up a garden type hose to his propane tank from his bbq and then shove the end of the hose down into the ground in a few spots and turn on the propane and the fumes kill them. Whatever you do don't elaborate on this idea by ignition because the tunnels most likely travel beneath your house and you don't want to blow up your home or start a fire. He had me sold on this idea. I wasn't confident enough to try this myself so I'd meant to have him come over and help me with this or at least show me how it's done for my first time but he goes away for work each summer and we just never were able to hook up and get it done. Then last summer he stopped over when he got home and we started talking about moles and he reccommended some type of grain laced with poison that he'd tried before leaving to work that year and that it had worked for awhile but he was going to need to reapply some more. Then I asked him about his propane trick he'd been so proud of but I can't remember what his answer was now. It sounded like a good idea to me - but I've yet to try it.
  • I can remember my dad talking to someone else about some type of 'mole bomb' that he'd light and drop down into a fresh mole hole and he seemed rather pleased with his success from it for eliminating the moles from his yard. Bummer is the conversation took place long ago - when I was much younger and hadn't experienced this problem first hand and to be honest wasn't even really all that interested in what he was saying - I can just remember wondering why someone could be so tickled with themselves for killing some moles. My dad has since passed on (no relationship to the mole bombs) and now that I've waged war with the moles in my yard he's not here for me to ask what type of bombs these were and where to get some for myself. I don't really know much more about the bombs - like thier explosion strength - but I don't recall seeing any large craters in our yard around that time either - so I can only imagine the bombs were more along the lines of a smoke ball like you see around the 4th of July with other fireworks - and that this bomb he used emitted some type of fume or gas which killed the moles. If anyone else could further elaborate on this if they know of such a product and could let me know if they are still available on the market - I'd love to give them a try.
  • Wish I had a tip to help. I have tried home remedies, store bought mole killer, and have tried most tips here. I'm going crazy with these D**M things. Every time I think I have them beat they come back stronger and more of them. HELP!!!!
  • I have succeeded in getting the filthy buggers by using the shotgun effect. Multiple (various) traps,poisons,deterrents, gassers (probably the bombs anonymous speaks of above), auto exhaust and water down the holes. Last year I scored 1 mole and 1 gopher and removed their carcasses as proof. I got those with the black box traps. These are black PVC in the shape of the top half of a tunnel that is only open on one end. The working mechanism is basically an upside down spring type rat trap. Get them at farm supply or home improvement stores. (Unfortunately the possible underground kills cannot be certain).This year I will get them all or drive them away. I'm going medieval on them. They are killing me.
  • Try this!! Its either transmission fluid or antifreeze. Soak night crawlers in one or the other until the crawler turns white. (not sure which fluid tho, try both until u find the one that turns them white), then drop the white night crawlers down the mole holes in the yard. Works every time.
  • Moles are in your yard because there is an abundant food source in it, most likely grubs. Treat your yard for grabs, or whatever underground bug that is in your yard, and the Moles will flee for a yard that has a good food source(hopefully the neighbor that you don't like).
  • the best way is use road flares light and stick in fresh tunnels if that doesn't work go wylee coyote and use dynomite!
  • I have tried everything from poison mole worms, mole traps; sulfur smoke bombs to sonic battery operated drive them away gadgets, none of which worked very well. I wish I could get my hands on some good old fashion DDT spray. By golly that would kill em grave yard dead, along with your crazy nosy neighbor too LOL. The only effective tool I have found to get rid of the pesty ass rodents is a good old fashion American made pitch fork from Ace Hardware. Go buy one and take it out to where the mole infestation is and start stabbing the ground like you are mad at the earth. It is very good exercise too. If you do this long enough one of three things will happen. You will pass out from exhaustion; cure your mole problem or build up your arms to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. One other method using the pitch fork is to wake up just before daylight, fix you a big cup of hot coffee, grab the pitch fork and go stand in the area very quietly where the moles are plowing up your ground. After a while of standing there drinking your morning coffee and carefully starring at the ground around you, (Note: Your neighbor may wonder what da-hell is this guys doing, has he lost his mind?) be patient. You will start to see the ground move where the little bugger is boring his way to the next grub worm. Run over there and stab the shit out of it with that pitch fork you got in your hand. Then poke the fork into the ground under the wounded sucker, pluck it out of the ground and then stomp it for good measure LOL. This is the most rewarding manner in which to rid your yard of the most pesteist little +#@%$&^*’s in the entire world.
  • As a landscaper with several high end properties moles are one of my nightmares. When I get a call from a customer complaining about moles I usually know about it already and have lost a few nights sleep coming up with a strategy. The best strategy in my book is a barrage of treatment. Castor oil, D-Con rat bait, chewing gum, the guillotine-type traps and of course the always fun manhunt with pitch fork!! If you know someone with a rat terrier who will bring the dog over for an afternoon hunt it's fun to watch and sometimes very fruitful. Cleanup is a b$%^# but it terrifies the moles and they usually move on. Best offense though is a good defense which means pulling up shovel-sized plugs from several areas in late June or early July. Sift thru the soil to look for grubs and treat if you find 3 or 4 per sample. Grubs are June bug larvae and are usually near the soil surface until September when they go deep. Forget about killing them then. The moles move in to hunt for grubs and will stay until they're gone. They also like earthworms though and killing them is questionable. Good luck campers!
  • verruca freeze
  • what type of moles? on the skin or in your yard? Because I have an excellent cure for the ones in your yard. Every time you have fish, dig a hole and bury the guts. Do that around the parimeter of your yard. Eventually when you get done, they will leave and not come back! As for the other moles... see a doc.
  • IF you are talking about the moles in your yard .. you can get the sonic mole eliminators . Just put one or two of these into your yard and the sonic vibrations drives the moles away ...
  • a good cat
  • Slice them off with a razor.
  • Get yourself a motor mole chaser from your local hardware store. Works on 2 batteries, make a noise every few seconds, moles are very sensitive to sound and will move to your neighbour.
  • 1/ Dynamite. 2/ Concrete over your garden. 3/ Live on a river boat.
  • Castor bean plants are known to repel the little buggers. The plants are very large, grow very tall and have beautiful foliage, but are poisonous. Do not plant if you have young childen that may be prone to picking the beans.
  • Get a tank of pure oxygen, tubing, some cyanoacrylic glue, caulk, a gas mask, and hydrocloric acid. First, pour a little hydrochloric acid on those steel/ceramic pipes that they lay underground. Wear a gas mask first, because the gas inside will kill everything for miles around. Connect the tube to the oxygen tank and then inseet it into the cracked pipe. Glue the tube in place with cyonacrilic glue and seal it with caulk. Turn on the oxygen and RUN! When the oxygen level inside the pipe reaches a high enough content to mix with the gas that the moles emit, there'll be a huge explosion that'l' leave a small crater where your town used to be. Your moles will be gone.
  • Build one of these and put mole food in it
  • ihave had luck by getting a mouse trap putting some peanut butter no it and setting next to their hole its better to do after sunset when the ants are less active
  • Go to the doctor and have them surgically removed. You wont even feel it.

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