• I guess, this happens when you've eaten a lot the night before... =)
  • I use to eat breakfast, but gave it up because of the weight gain. not from breakfast food, but because my stomach empties fast and the hunger pain grows for lunch and so on. so, i drink only coffee for breakfast and wait till lunch for solid food. yes, i also cannot wait for dinner. but, at least i am cutting out one meal and thats breakfast. everyone is different and my situation may not apply to your individual body requirements. i have tried eating a piece of toast, but a piece of toast is only the prelude for more food. my stomach will not leave me alone. after all these years, this is what works for me. this is why i skip breakfast and can not wait for lunch.
  • From my experience, it is that people don't make time to eat breakfast. I wake up at 6:30, and have to leave the house at 7:00 in order to arrive at work on time. If I wanted to eat breakfast, I would have to wake up earlier, and I don't want to do that. So I don't eat breakfast. I believe there are lots of people in the same boat as me on this one.

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