• There is a product out there called Main-n-Tail shampoo that is great for hair and it is said to help it grow. It was first used on horses hence the name Mina-inTail, but now you can find it in the shampoo section in alot of retail stores. There are also vitamins that are made especailly for hair that you can try. Just look in your vitamin section and it usually specifies for hair or hair and nails.
  • I love mane n tail! it makes your hair soft and strong... Its also great for the horses!!!
  • I've heard if you trim your hair about every 3 weeks it will grow faster (that probably doesn't make sense) but, you are actually cutting off the split ends therefore your hair grows faster!
  • I've heard taking prenatal vitamins helps strengthen your hair. Keeping it healthy, as well as, helping it grow. It also helps strengthen your nails as well.
  • There are 2 things you can do to accelerate your hair growth that I know of: Eating LOTS of JELL-O or taking a prenatal vitamin daily. These will also promote fingernail growth.
  • I'm not quite sure there are ways to do that...I've ready many articles that have said you can make it grow faster, but I've read more that say you can't, so who knows? A good trim every month will keep it healthy...but be patient, and don't fall for those expensive "promised-hair-growth" ads!! Seriously...think about it! I'm sure you'll have beautifully long hair in no time...just wait it out and keep your hair strong by washing every other day, if you can...every day dries it out--and be sure to use the correct shampoo and conditioner for your hair. Use clarifying ones for greasy hair (clear, gel types) and more moisturizing/fortifying kinds for weak, brittle, or dry hair! And, try not to style with hot products all the time--let air dry as much as you can~hope this is a help!!
  • i have the same prob where can mane-n-tail be purchased
  • doesn't main and tail have wax in it and isn't wax unhealthy for hair? it coats the hair eventually drying it out and eventually causing breakage.
  • are you talking about you or an animal. but i think the best way is to let it grow by itself
  • what i meant was that the wax coats the hair in turn suffocating it. you should always look at the ingredience in your beauty products. example skin care: never put moisturizer on dry skin if it has alcohol in it. now i know its hard to find these products but they are out there.
  • I have to disagree with those here that think something you eat or apply to hair can make it grow any faster than what human genetics allow. Hair grows at a pretty consistent rate of about .5 inches a month. This is true for all hair that grows from the scalp. Different parts of the body grow hair more or less quickly for various reasons, such as eyelashes, leg hair or facial hair on men. Anything applied topically to the hair will only serve to act the same way that fabric softener works on clothing. It will leave the hair shinier, softer and more pliant. So-called deep conditioners are either "baked in" with the use of heat to open the outer, scale-like layer and allow the conditioning proteins to be deposited within, making the results last longer. Proper nutrition is probably the best way to ensure good, strong, healthy hair. And no, consuming "tons of gelatin" will do nothing for your hair. The protein found in gelatin is not nutritionally available for the body to digest and metabolize. It is, unfortunately, a myth. I have seen women with WONDERFUL hair when they are taking prenatal vitamins. While their hair does not really grow any faster, the vitamins ensure some really healthy and strong hair. Unfortunately, the doses in these vitamins are not good for people who are not also nourishing a developing fetus. You have to remember that hair is not alive. It is a filamentous outgrowth of dead cells, as I stated elsewhere here. Some physical things you can do to ensure that your hair remains strong and appears to be growing quickly is good scalp manipulation (massaging) when shampooing. This will not only loosen any sebum (oil), sweat, dirt and hair product, which can block the pores from which the hair follicle grows from the root bulb in the dermis, but will also stimulate good capillarilar blood flow to nourish the root bulb. You can also make sure that you get a good trim every 6-8 weeks. This will ensure that the ends of your hair, are kept intact, preventing the naturally occurring "splits" from progressing further up the hair shaft, making it seem like your hair is not growing as quickly as it should. This may sound counterintuitive, but getting and regular hair cut will make your hair seem like it is growing faster than it you only get one infrequently, like once or twice a year.
  • Getting it colored it to tune of $130.00 and you should see how fast you notice growth.
  • Natral hair is the best hair.
  • put some elmers glue on it trust me it works i did it once.
  • main and tail will stimulate growth in your hair and will make it soft and stong as well as shiny! good luck!
  • What I have been doing and it's worked the best out of EVERYTHING I have done is actually only cutting it once a year and using minimal chemicals on my hair (example: hair oil treatments, hairspray, etc). I started this a year ago and it's grown 5 inches and before that it grew like an inch a year IF that.
  • I am a hair dresser and have been for 15 years! Their isn't anything that I don't know about hair. The Very BEST thing you can do to make your hair grow faster is to get it trimed on a regular basis!! Once a month is the best, but no longer than every other month! when you do this it keeps the dead ends off. This make your hair healthier and healthir hair groes alot faster!!! I put a money back gurentee on this (lol). If you have any other questions u can reack me @ Let me know!
  • I have been bald for 30 years,and I mean smooth on top.I am as suspicious of so called cures as the are most of us.Then one day a heard of something,invented in the early 1900's called a voilet ray machine that could grow hair.I went to e-bay and typed in violet ray machine and many antique machines were listed.I bought a machine which was made in the 1920's.How it works is an electrical current is sent to a hand wand,and a glass bulb shaped like a comb is attached to the wand.The gas inside the wand is argon and glows violet.I comb my bald headwith it.There is very small sparks between the comb and my head.I suprisingly have a head of very tiny hairs growing,and longer hair that I have not had in years.The sparks,I understand help the blood flow to the roots to activate growth.
  • Suffocate means to deprive of essential air... air is essential to life, and you can suffocate anything that breathes. HAIR does NOT breathe. It is dead cells. cells that do not breathe and do not suffocate. For those of you complaining that mane and tail dries out your hair... maybe you shouldn't rinse it so hard
  • If you never cut it off. Just like shaving. If youve ever shaved ur hair off it would grow back even faster.
  • I am not, repeat NOT, recommending this but - Steroids. My friends has Chron's disease and was on steroids for it. His hair grew amazingly fast when he was on them!
  • Drink plenty of water eat correctly and take the right vitamins.
  • plutonium.
  • well, the main way to help hair grow is with time. NOT cutting it is NOT the answer. Your hair on average grows about a 1/2 inch a month, so 5 to 6 inches in a year is average. Not cutting your hair is unhealthy though,Cutting your hair is best about every 10 weeks if your growing it out and only get a trim to take of split ends or damage off. your hair will take longer to grow out, but once you reach the long hair you want it will be over all healthier. The best thing to do is to lay off hot irons or any hot tools as much as possible. Mean while you keep the hair healthy, healthy hair grows faster. Try deep conditioners that can be done at home such as olive oil and mayo as weird as that sounds it really works.Also massaging your scalp at least once a day, it helps stimulate the scalp and increases blood flow which helps hair grow.Diet also is a key, if you have a healthy diet your hair will grow much faster and healtier. There is no one thing to make you hair grow, it takes many things. Just remember it takes time.
  • what the dude below me said but you actually do have to cut it make sure you go in for a 'dusting' everyonce in awhile dusting is cutting off the split ends if you dont get rid of the split ends then the split ends will go ep the shaft and ya youll have long hair but it will be damaged, dull, break off so make sure even if your growing out your hair that you maintain it
  • Would you believe me if I told you yo?...
  • Well, i guess that does not apply on most of us Africans since we don`t have hair only short curly bushy.. God for give me... but its the truth..
  • eat nutritious food which has more vitamin b and iron content. eat sprouted green gram a handful everyday along with one raw tomato,one piece of cucumber.Everyday eat one piece of raw beetroot if it is difficult for you to take raw beetroot as such grind it along with some water in a grinder.
  • There are several ways to promote hair growth take biotin take ashwaganda You should increase protein intake You need lots of vegetables and fruits Externally get good hair oil like Mira hair oil It will promote faster hair growth Read more at

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