• "Pink Lady"! (wink)
  • Malice Mizer, alice nine., the brilliant green, Nightmare, D.A.I, Orange Range, Dir en grey... There's HEAPS more. Those bands are mainly rock ones. It depends on the genre you're looking for. I know heaps of Japanese bands, so just give me any genre and I should be able to tell you a few.
  • W.A.N.D.S, Luna Sea, X-Japan, The Bz's
  • If you want older Japanese bands, try Creation (a later reworking of Blues Creation). They toured in Australia in 1977 as the 5th band in a Fleetwood Mac, Little River Band, Santana and Kevin Borich Express concert tour. I have never forgotten them. They were good.
  • Boris, Melt-Banana They're both loud, they both kick ass.
  • home made kazoku!, aqua timez, YUI, home made kazoku
  • ScReW and Dir En Grey :]
  • hi-standard is a favorite of mine.kinda of punky.
  • Hey mate i joined a J-Pop band last year and got given some cds with some popular and some un-popular bands by my bass player "Tsutomu". you should listen to: Bump of chicken Dragon Ash Triceratops Glay L'arc-en-ciel Mr children 東京事変(Tokyo Jihen/Tokyo inncident) i think somone prob mentioned Dir en gret & Radwimps as they are more popular among european countries than they are in japan, but u could still check them out as their pretty cool If you have any trouble getting hold of their albums i have them all so drop me a message and i can send you some!

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