• No I do my best to keep my pipe warm. I cannot imagine how bad it would hurt if it burst.
  • This just happened to a neighbors house that happens to be empty while he tries to rent it. The water ended up putting out the pilot light on the boiler, causing the heat to shut down and the entire kitchen and utility room was a sheet of ice. Luckily though it was a pipe under the kitchen sink so was easy to fix.
  • Yes, I have had to deal with a frozen pipe that burst. I was tenant in Connecticut at the house of a friend of mine who lived in New York. He had told us that if any problem occurred to call him up right away. I called and his daughter answer the phone. I told her about the problem relaying on what her father had said to notify him of problems. She was upset and said that I cannot be calling every time there's a problem, that I had to solve problems myself. I was perplexed, I was only doing what I had requested that I do. So I just let it at that; but bursting pipes really are a pain.
  • Yes, a couple of times. Once everything from the kitchen to the bathrooms burst. And it seemed like everyone in the county had broken pipes. They even had a special trucks go out to far away warehouses to help supply out county with stuff to do all the repairs. It nearly crippled us. And this was in California! lol!!!

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