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  • Good point! I HATE when people get all bent out of shape about it. Okay, we get it, "you" think homosexuality is weird, we get it... don't be rude and dissrespectful just because you don't agree. (not you "Freddy")
  • What does gay sex have to do with the prostate being in the rectum? The prostate is located where it is for several reasons. 1. It supplies seminal fluids for ejaculation. 2. It helps to push the fluids through the urethra, as it is wrapped around it. 3. It needs to be inline with the sex organs to be able to function as it does. There is no tie between the prostate's location and taking a man's penis in the back door. Women enjoy anal sex every bit as much as men do. Is a woman who takes a cock in the rear really a gay man with a vagina? The real question is why do people keep associating gay sex and the prostate? Gay men have mouths too. Why did God make a man's mouth big enough to suck another man's penis? We could go on and on with this. Stimulating the prostate is not a gay act unless it is being performed by two gay men. Besides, if the prostate hung on the outside, it would be like having a third ball...gross... I'm sure if it were on the outside gay men and straight men alike would enjoy a good prostate rub down from time to time, just as they do now.

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