• Have him contact his attorney or his public defender. Some states need a letter from a recognized religious leader. Otherwise have a form he will need to fill out. His attorney should be able to get the ball rolling for him on that. Otherwise, look for a prisoners advocate group or prisoners rights group to get help.
  • Check online at They have answers for all kinds of questions relating to your questions and more.
  • If you find the application to become would you please send it to me at my e-mail! Please!
  • He's going to prison, and he's worried about his hair?!! :0
  • What crime is him accused of commitng
  • He's going to be losing a lot more than a little hair. Like his butt cherry, for one. Get a paper stating that it is against his religion to be gang raped by horny musclular convicts.
  • Usually prisoners lose all their rights in prison. I've seen articles in the newspaper about Native Americans complaining about having to cut their hair, but if they were so concerned about their rights, they should not have committed crimes which are bad enough to land you in prison. In prison one loses his identity. Everyone has to have the same haircut.
  • The main reason they'll be doing so, is that rope can be made from hair. You'll find that prisons will accomodate religion, but not to the point that they endanger the safety of prison guards.
  • You have very few rights in prison. It's a lot like the military except you can be raped, they make everyone cut their hair to take away their individuality. The theory is to make everyone equals and take away their personal identity and they are easier to control. That's the theory anyway. As someone else mentioned I think his hair is the least of his worries.
  • Just a thought, long hair in my opinion is not safe. So easy for someone to grab his hair and take control. When someone has you by the hair, you WILL go where ever they want.
  • There is an organization which can help with this (other than the more general civil rights organization, the ACLU at Go to the Becket Fund for help with this, at For the relevant Act of Congress which protects a prisoner's religious rights, the "Religious Land Use and Incarcerated Inmates Act of 2000", go to (with a summary of the law at

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