• I really don't know what to say. lol
  • Just as you can also say octopuses and platypuses while staying totally within the boundaries of grammatical accuracy, you can say either walri or walruses. Whichever makes you the happiest.
  • Because Biologists make money by confusing the fuck out of us.
  • Prepare to have your mind blown.... Octopuses, Octopi, and octopodes are all accepted plural forms. As are platypuses, platypi, and platypodes. The only thing I can think of is that linguists hate walruses.
  • If gooses are called geese, why aren't mooses called meese?
  • It all depends on where the word itself originated. As linguists are only just discovering some of these origins, the overused, incorrect versions of some plurals are still used. Technically, octopi and platypi aren't real words, but are due to misconceived origins. While octopodes and platypodes are technically correct, they are very rare. The only really acceptable plurals in modern English are octopuses and platypuses. Thus, walruses fit right in (figuratively, if not literally). Note: For platypuses, platypus can also be used. I mean, really any of them can be used, its just how technically correct they are. I wouldn't use octopi or platypi ever.
  • cause walri sounds like a pokemon DUH!!!!!!!
  • Because a walrus is big enough to be called whatever they want.
  • Does that make more than one Lexus....Lexi?

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