• If Ichigo could master the hollow form then theres no way he would lose. Just go into hollow/bankai form and hes faster than all the others, stronger and he can use Getsuga Tenshou.
  • Tsuna Sawada, no contest, once he masters the X-gloves he can pwn all, he's way faster and can absorb any attack and send it back to you without fail, sure it wastes all his energy but if he absorbs everyone's attack, send it all back n' kill them, he could OWN naruto with his speed, and beat the life outa him. With ichigo, he can aborb Getsuga and send it back to Ichigo, or he could just use dying will flame break poin zero, freeze ichigo and use break point 5 and kill him, the ice is not dodgeable but if you read on it you can see the flaw of it to tsuna. Inu-yasha....just....go home your dead... Spike is like a normal human pretty much contest... Mugen is the same as spike, just annoying with his break dancing samurai crap. Edo-san would just get pwn'zord no problem. He's pretty much just a normal person. so...c'mon..
  • Naruto.... RASENGAN.... lol GG idk. luffy you give him a good run for his money tho... you gotta admit... those 2 have more spirit than anybody else. no matter what. even when the odds are stacked against them, they pull the strength from nowhere
  • "A shinigami is a spirit, and can only be hurt by another spirit" -bleach

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