• &gt;>>>>>>ME<<<<<<<<
  • ^That person, apparently
  • me... wait, you mean it doesn't?
  • The world revolves around the needs of the whole, rather than those of the individual. As perfect logic says, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." However, the current world has many different groups of people, and those groups don't agree with each other. It's hard to find what the world revolves around: life, god, money, or sex? It is human instinct to continue living and to continue the family line with reproduction, but many seem to not care for their lives by doing drugs, but I know the entire world doesn't revolve around drugs. God would certainly be a good candidate for who or what revolves around the world until you find all the atheists in the world against it. Money is actually the only thing I can think of the makes the world go round. No matter who you are, what your beliefs are, or where you live, everyone has used money everyday to buy necessities such as water, food, and shelter. It's also used for entertainment, drugs, and certain services on street corners. In conclusion, what I have found is that the world revolves around money for all it's needs and wants.

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