• Salaries vary widely by the firm and the area. Architects having their own well-established private practices generally earn more than highly-paid salaried employees in architectural firms, but their incomes may fluctuate due to changing business conditions. Young Architects starting their own practices may have a period when expenses are greater than incomes. Nationally, median annual earnings of Architects were $51,012 in 2001. The estimated average earnings ( mid 2002) of Architects working in private industry were: TITLE Architect Senior Architect UNITED STATES $51,200 $59,900 GREAT LAKES REGION $49,100 $65,600 The median annual salary of licensed professional architectural engineers in the United States was $82,000 (early 2002). Their earnings ranged between $60,000 and $109,500. The average salary of Architects employed by public colleges and universities as full professors was $78,613 (2001-2002). Beginning Architects with bachelor's degrees working for the federal government earned $29,559 or $36,615 per year (2002), depending on their academic records. The salaries of these federal government workers may be higher in some urban areas. The median yearly earnings of "all" workers in the U.S. were $31,044 in 2001. In mid 2002, annual salaries paid to Architects/engineers by several Michigan governmental agencies ranged from $33,794 to $73,122.
  • Where, what and for whom -- add those variables to the question if one can find someone to actually pay for the work -- if one is actually qualified for what some unknown wants built. Like most fields, they too often specialize in certain types of structures. All over the map. Really not information for even a baseball figure.

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