• Try acetone (nail polish remover). Good luck.
  • You may want to try Orange Oil (TKO is a commercially marketed orange oil). There is data about orange oil on this site. This is the least toxic product which I know that acts as a solvent on sticky residue. A product called Goo Gone may work okay and be less toxic to the body because of absorption than some other petroleum type solvents or acetones. But, certainly the cyanide of the super glue isn't healthy either. Sometimes Boraxo works fine. Or soap and baking soda. There are also some "orange" hand cleaners found in the automotive sections of many stores which don't seem to have a lot of solvents.
  • Warm, soapy water and a scrub with a nail brush is as good as anything else. Soak the area in warm water for several minutes - sitting in a warm bath is an easy way to do this. Use soap to lubricate the brush (don't use one that's too stiff) and don't scrub so hard that you irritate the skin. If this fails, the glue will eventually come off naturally as the top layer of your skin sheds. Warm water, soap, and scrubbing don't irritate the skin. Not everyone has acetone floating around their house or tolerates the skin irritation it can cause. ------------------------------------------------------------ Re: "wrong" Sorry, but you're "wrong". Soaking in warm water and soap is the first thing that hospitals use when treating people who have glued bits of their body together or other items to their body. Having had a large tube split open once, coating my entire hand with the stuff and bonding two or three of my fingers together before I could respond, I can vouch for its efficacy. Manufacturers also provide much the same advice. The following, for example, was obtained from a distributor's website for "Miracle Glue", a cyanoacrylate adhesive or "super glue" manufactured in Germany: "Skin - How to remove Miracle Glue from skin The first way is to prevent the glue from sticking in the first place. If you have oily skin you are going to be better off. If you don't, you can put some lotion on your skin before you use Miracle Glue. Good idea even if you don't have dry skin. This will also help if you are using Super Glue or Krazy Glue. ... There a couple ways to get Miracle Glue off your skin. You can use acetone (nail polish remover), but I don't like using it if I don't have to. You can use warm soapy water. If there is very little glue on your skin, washing with warm soapy water a couple of times usually does the trick. If your fingers are stuck together soak them in the warm soapy water for a few minutes and you should be able to work them loose. The skin will sweat and the oils will lift the glue. I usually don't have a problem but someone with very dry skin may have more difficulty with this. Another thing that you can do is put some skin cream on before you use the glue - Miracle Glue will have difficulty adhering to the oils."
  • Acetone-based nail polish remover. Works like a charm.
  • Adhesives in general, including the various brands, strengths and viscosities of super glue, respond differently to different removal methods. The faster you take action, of course, the better off your skin will be. Just make sure you don't get stuck to whatever you're using to scrape the glue off. If you have acetone (in stores - cosmetics dept, nail polish remover) dab that on the affected area with a cotton ball, Kleenex, or TP wad. Be sure to use as little as possible. Acetone is flammable and dangerous, but it does a number on super glue. I used hydrochloric acid once and that worked, but I also happened to be wearing safety glasses and gloves in an extremely well-ventilated and cool area when I used it to come between my leg and a big piece of acrylic. (Long wrong-place/wrong-time story). Otherwise, I'd never have bothered. It stinks, big time. More important, it's dangerous. Why have major surgery when a band-aid will do? Generally, the first thing we usually do is to cover the affected area with Vaseline or lotion, wait for a few minutes, and then wipe away the residue. Invariably, there's less glue stuck to skin. Then, either soak the affected area in hot water (as hot as you can stand without burning your already-irritated skin. Give the water time to warm up first, BTW) or let hot water run over the area. Then, soap it up and rinse. Most of the glue will come off with that and the rest, you can wipe off. Sometimes Goo-Gone and the orange stuff works well, depending on the chemical properties of the super glue you're using.
  • Leave it, and wait for it to come off by it self. If your peal it, your skin will come off too, and leave a scar.
  • Well, my brother super glued himself to our cupboard about 30 minutes ago. We tried soapy warm water and that didn't really do much. We tried acetone based nail polisher remover and that didn't do anything either. We phoned my dad and he suggested using Releasall, which is a lubricant used for rusty bolts that won't come off. Using that and slowly pushing with a non-serated knife it finally came off without any ripping of the skin. Needless to say, I was entertained either way...
  • Remove the skin surface.
  • Amputation, crude but effective.
  • With acetone, fingernail polish remover.
  • well heres the story i got relle Wasted n passed out at a party, but when i woke up i found that my "friends" thought id be funny to apply super glue on my hairy legs..but i tried the soppy water shit and i put skin lotion on it and it only seemed to worsen it..btw i dont have ne acetone fingernail polish remover...can someone please help me or give me some feedback to solving my sticky situation??..PLEASE HELP!! any suggestion would help lots!!
  • hey RedJohn thanks ALOT i just super glued my thumb and index finger together dont ask i am pissed right now xD but seriously THANK YOU i said to my self "superglue well lets see how super you are mr glue" and guess what the glue won o_O once agin thanks Red JONH
  • warm water...wait till your skin gets like a prune then peel it off
  • Scrape the outer layer off with a knife.
  • try this...olive oil and salt...
  • Blowtorch, or BIC lighter if you're desperate
  • Acetone, OR SUPER GLUE REMOVER! You could always use sand paper... or an angle grinder... or a file... or a chainsaw... or a shaped charge of TNT... or the light pecks of 387 doves.
  • heres the best way1 PUT MORE SUPER GLUE ON THE AFEECTED AREA, wait a minute or so and then try and loosen the other skin or object from the affected area!
  • Acetone nail polish remover, time and teeth help too. *Just wait for it to dry first. *Trust me!
  • Acetone will remove it, get Acetone nail polish remover or alcohol,..that will work.
  • rip it off. r u that dude from wisconsin?

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