• I don't live in Iowa, but in Ohio, if the street has signs that read "No parking during snow emergency", and the city declares a snow emergency, you'll get a ticket even if you didn't personally hear about it. They do broadcast them on your news channels and it's everyone's responsibility to pay attention. So, here in my state, you'd have no chance of fighting such a ticket.
  • Thats the thing, there isnt a street sign anywhere on the street that talks about it being a snow route or emergency snow removal area.
  • First off, you can always fight a ticket. The question is, will you win? I don't live in any area where it snows, so I am not too familiar with what you are cited for. However, to determine your chance of winning the first thing you need to do is look at the elements of the law. If the law says there must be a sign, then the absence of a sign is relevant. What exactly where you cited for (i.e. what is the statute you allegedly violated)?

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