• Dambed if I know, but I must have asked this a million times. A paper cut can be miserable, but you could have a gash on your arm that's bleeding and never even notice till you see the blood...
  • The most nerves are located on the outermost layers of skin. Therefore the more shallow the cut, the more nerves you irritate. If the cut is too deep, nerve endings can be severed and electrical impulses no longer reach the brain telling it that "this hurts". I have noticed this phenomenon recently after getting cut by glass. My less severe cut hurt more than the one where I cut my tendon, only because that cut was too deep and i severed the nerves.
  • nerves are on the outter layers of your skin. also cuts on your fingers or hands hurt far worse. Ever notcie how a paper cut fucking hurts but you can look down at your leg and see blood and think, "humm how did that get there?"

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