Something I have never done, Congratulations to both of you, very good going :-)
Me! Congratulations buddies! I told you Drastic you're gonna make it! And Fancy, I was wrong, not only top 10, but Homepage! WOOT WOOT WOOT!!! wooooo hooooooooooooooo!!!
Many Congratulations to you both - high five, high five - hey! WOOOOOW!!
Congrats Drastic! Keep up the good Work!
Congrats Drastic way to go and you are certainly in an excellent group of 5 well done to all.
Drastic! Boosh! Ahaha...yeah...
Congrats Drastic!!!! Woot woot!!!
woohoo!!! you go Drastic!!! Congratsssssss!!!
Congratulation Drastic I knew you could do it:)
Yeee Haaaa, well done to both of you!! (((hugs)))) and smooches to all.. fabulous!! congrats.
Congrats Fancy and Drastic. Well done.
Wow, that's faby-pooz!! Well done.
Congratulations to both of you! You worked your butts off and as your reward I give you the keys to the executive bathroom!
Nice job both of you! Keep up the great work! (I'll be watching you!)
High five and congrats.
Congratulations to you both. two big high fives.
WOW!!! That is AWESOME!! You two make a GREAT team!! What shall we call your team? The Fancy Drastic team? The Drancy Fastic team? The Feasty Fandrastic team? The Fiesty Funfadrsticly team? The Drastically Fancy Fiesty team? ...
AHHH CURSE YOU! YOU STOLE MY TROPHY!! Haha just kidding, good work!
YAY!!! That's AWESOME!! I leave for a week and You end up on Top 5?? You are incredibly AWESOME!! That proves it right there!!
Congrats, Drastic!!!! That is awesome! :)
Congrats Drastic!! Way to go!!
Yay - well done..!!! hi5's to Fancy and Drastic!!!
Nice job. Rock on!
yay!!! **does a little dance** congrats you guys!
Drastic,you did it again buddy,congrats.
WOW Can I add the most important statement that's burning on my mind. So what.
Drastic is Fantastic. I keep telling him. He is so much more than his name!!! Take me there one day. I have no idea what a trophy looks like! LOL! Much love.
Congrats Drastic! We were talking about it last week, right? :o)
w000000000000000000000t!!!! good job Drastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000t :-þ
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