• I don't think so.
  • In the US, a yellow light is a caution light, not a stop light. Going through it is not "running" it. It is legal to drive through it. Speeding to get through it is illegal. Not because running the light is illegal but, because speeding anywhere is illegal.
  • Sure if you are leaving the bank you just robbed, while smoking pot and drinking. Also waving those guns around and shooting is illegal as well.
  • There are a few police officers here, so they can probably answer better than I can. But, here's what I know from talking with my uncle, who gives road tests for licensing in NY: In NY State, running a yellow light during your driving test is an automatic failure. It depends entirely on the situation; you may not have been speeding, but you may not have slowed down, either. The yellow light means "caution, the light is about to turn red." My understanding is that you can only go through the yellow light if you had already advanced into the intersection. You may be ticketed for failure to obey a traffic control device.
  • Once any part of the car is in the intersection while the light turns yellow it is alright to proceed.There is a delay of a second or so for the other traffic light to turn green.If you speed that is a different matter and has to do with speeding not running a light.One cannot run a red light.
  • Yes, you can. If it is possible to stop safely, you must stop. If you have plenty of room to stop safely, but you proceed anyway, you have just "run" a yellow light.
  • If the light turns red while you are passing through the intersection that is running a red light.
  • Entering the intersection while the light is yellow is allowable. Once you have entered the intersection, prior to the light turning red, you may procede through. It is entirely possible to break other unrelated laws simultaneously of course. For example, if you fail to yeild right-of-way to a pedestrian or another vehicle.
  • by federal dot regs once a vehicle enters the intersection-thats that little white line across the road-- you are required to continue across and thru it even if it turns red-so going thru under a yellow breaks no laws what so ever----hope this helps----smile and enjoy the night
  • What a yellow light means is to clear the intersection. If you are not in the intersection at the time it turns yellow, and then you enter it and not clear before it turns red, then yes you ran a red light. Now if you enter a intersection when it's green and then unable to continue due to traffic, then and only then can you move on a red. You have the right of way until you clear the intersection.
  • A yellow traffic light means to slow down and prepare to stop. Ever notice that wide white line on the road at the intersection? this is the dividing line for running a red light. passing a yellow light, over the white line, is acceptable. passing a red light, over the white line, is a citing offense. If speeding is not a factor, then passing a yellow light should be okay. just use caustion.
  • We are actually learning now that in the state of Utah it is legal to speed up to make a yellow lght. My young daughter was out in the middle of an intersection waiting to make a left turn. The light turned yellow and a car across from her stopped. Another car that was coming up on the intersection decided to speed up to make the intersection. He hit her with full impact. She thought he was going to stop as the law requires. Along with laws about speeding and red lights, it also states that you are required to slow down when approaching and crossing an intersection. I understand her getting a ticket. The officer said she should have waited and proceeded after it turned red. I DON'T understand the guy NOT getting a ticket for speeding and almost killing my daughter just to make a light. How is that fair? He told the officer that he speeded up to make the light. Thank God my other daughter had already been dropped off b/c her side of the car was totaled. Watch out for the stupid drivers and laws that protect them in Utah!!!! By the way, Utah hardly has any turn signals at intersections. Be prepared to try and turn on yellow or red----and watch out for those speeding to make the light. :(
  • In England, at pedestrian crossings, the amber light flashes before it goes to red, you are allowed to go through this flashing light as long as there is no-one still crossing the road. However, if it is flashing and someone is still on the road, even if they're past your car and in the other lane you have to still have to wait until they're on the pavement before setting off -otherwise it's illegal.
  • Ok I just got a ticket for running a yellow light the police officer said that the light was yellow but he gave me a ticket anyway, is their a way that I can fight the ticket, or am I fighting a loseing battle, how much is a ticket for running a yellow light. dose this also take points off your drivers license.
  • I was taught that if you have time to stop, stop. If not, continue at traffic speed to go through. But I was raised in Michigan. Aris was raised in California, and to him, there are degrees of yellow. He hates me stopping when I could have made it.
  • Wouldn't that be the sort of thing completely dependent upon the individual cop's interpretation of the law and attitude toward *you*?! ;-)

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