• Your body may have a reaction to the piercing material or the wound may have become infected. If the bump feels painful and warm to the touch, and continues to swell, you most likely have an infection that requires a visit to the doctor. Tragus piercing takes a long time to heal completely. In the meantime, you need to wash the area with mild soap and warm water everyday.
  • Sea salt soaks twice a day. A few drops of tea tree oil in the water can also help. don't touch it, don't bump it, basically leave it alone if you aren't soaking it or washing it.
  • You should return to your piercer and have him/her take a look at it. It's most likely a type of scarring. My industrials had the same issue, mostly because I slept on them, or my brush pulled at them, and so they were not very happy. The bumps took about 3 months to go away, and that was with soaking them and following the piercer's advice. It just depends on how quickly your body decides to reabsorb the scars. More than likely it is not an infection, but you should see your piercer to rule out any other potential issues and follow his/her advice on caring for the bumps at this time. Advice you receive from this site will not be professional, but rather opinions from people without piercing experience. So yes, see your piercer (assuming you got your piercing done professionally). If you did not go to a piercing studio (and instead were pierced by yourself, by a friend, or by some place like Claires), you should find a respectable piercing studio in your area and talk to one of the piercers about your tragus. Usually they will not charge you for this service, and will give you proper advice. Good luck!
  • it may be a keloid, which is when the scarring tissue just keeps growing until it produces a bump. Its common among cartiledge piercings and should be dealt with right away. I had one and I let it go for years and now, after many trips to a dermatologist, I have a permanent bump (its smaller than the old bump but its still there). Sea salt helps prevent keloids but I don't know about after they formed.
  • I have the same issue and in the past two days I have begun doing daily salt soaks and applying eucalyptus oil. I have already seen an improvement, the bump seems to be 'dyring out' and flattening :)
  • hey dont worry i have the same problem with my tragus piricing i dont think it is an infection i think it just could be a bit of scare tissue i had a operation to have my ear pinned back and i have heaps of it behind my ears were i had the stiches from the operation i have been trying everything to get rid of it were the tragus hole is when i went to the hosipital for my ears they gave me some help and they said just to rinse my tragus with warm water when eva but not to much and i think it is help tee tree oil is also really good.
  • i got my tragus pierced about two months ago and the same bump formed on mine. my boss's wife actually told me she had the same issue with her bellybutton, and said that if you crush up aspirin and make a paste using water and apply it like you would a mask to your face it will go away. i tried it ( i left it on overnight) and the keloid was gone when i washed the paste off. it came back a couple weeks later, but the paste does get rid of them.
  • same thing happened to mine. i waited about 5 weeks to go back to the piercer. he told me it was pretty much just a bubble with puss in it. you can tell the difference between just a bubble and a keloid because the keloid would be harder.. i haven't bought stuff for seasalt yet. i'm just cleaning it more and doing my own version of sea soaks and it seems to be going down. i have a bad habit of picking at it and touching it a lot when i'm bored, thinking i can pop it... dont do that. lol
  • I have got this at the moment :( Went to my piercers today to get it checked out and she suggested a salt pack. Make a paste with pre-boiled water and salt and apply to the bump. Leave for a few hours or over night. Do this for a couple week and if there is no improvement go back to your piercers! She also suggested I increase cleaning. Hope this helps and good luck!
  • mine did this .. just keep cleaning it an it will go down :)

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