• I have mixed feelings about the Royal Family. I prefer the idea of a Constitutional Monarchy to the idea of having an elected politician as Head of State. I'm sure you'll agree that the current President of the USA is coming in for more stick than the Queen ever has. The traditions surrounding the Royal Family are good for the country, insofar as they help to bring in foreign tourists. However, I think the number of people currently supported by the Civic List is still too high and I would like to see it limited to those most closely connected to the reigning monarch and the line of descent, with the more distant relatives earning their own livings the same way that the rest of us have to do. It seems to me that certain members of the Royal Family - The Queen and Princess Royal, for example give very good value for money, while others are just a waste of space.
  • I don't think of them much at all, actually. I pay less attention to them then I do most celebrities. I don't generally pay attention to strangers simply because they were born to certain people.
  • It's nice that some people can do nothing but be born into wealth. It puts everything into perspective for the rest of us...
  • I'm first generation American so I'm impressed with the Royal family
  • acording to a 2006 census, most Brits are in favor of a monarch as a symbol of the state and part of culturaly pride. Im in favor of the constituonal monarch but less the power of the monarch in the house of lords, wich should be appointed based on merit
  • I think the Queen has devoted her life to the Country and has done a good job. Anne works harder than probably most of the rest of the family together. If Charles becomes King with his whore of a Consort then I will no longer want or support a Royal family.

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