• Mario..he's the older brother
  • In many games and game manuals, Luigi is said to be the younger of the Mario Brothers. In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, and more recently in Super Paper Mario, he refers to Mario as "big brother". However, in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, it is stated that he is Mario's twin. It includes a scene where the infant brothers are delivered by the stork to their parents. From this scene, it is possible to infer that Luigi is actually the younger twin, as Mario is the first to emerge from his sling. This is backed up by the European version of the port, which has selectable languages, all of which use a term meaning "twins" or "twin brothers". The Official European Mario Megastar website states that Luigi is a slightly younger twin in his profile, while numerous Japanese info states that Mario and Luigi are twins. Also, for the first time in North America since the original release of Yoshi's Island, Super Paper Mario recently implies that they may be twins (Luvbi refers to Mario and Luigi as twins despite Luigi calling Mario "big bro" on more than one occasion). Despite this, Mario acts like a traditional older brother towards Luigi.
  • Mario is of course otherwise it would be called the Luigi Brothers. Here is the video link. It got pulled down from Youtube:
  • my name is luigi! -random but mario is the older brothers stated in many of their games.
  • mario is cause mario was in the first super mario bros is called donkey kong and by my guess mario is like 41 or something and lugi is like 35 or something get it lugi is kinda new and mario was in over 200 hundred video games mario first game was made in 1981
  • mine is better pick me
  • Mario's Long lost Brother Joey, who's 80.
  • Mario is the oldest because Luigi sounds like a young person and Mario sounds a little older.
  • i think the easiest answer is "Mario" but there has been bugger up's by nintendo and they have made them twins etc. and in the movie (Super mario bros. yeah real original) luigi is mario's son...its a really buggered concept and nintendo should have really kept it simple to "Luigi is mario's younger brother"

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