• , . : ; " ! ? [] - {} ... – ' ()
  • Period, Exclamation mark, Question mark, Colon, semi- colon, comma, apostrophe, parenthesis, quotation marks.. I got nine anyway..
  • . - period , - comma ! - exclamation point ? - question mark : - colon ; - semi-colon * - asterisk ()- parenthesis @ - ampersand
  • , . ? ! -(hyphen) --(dash, which my computer doesn't have a shortcut for, as far as I know) () : ; " ' and ... (which i probably wouldn't have thought of without drastic's answer) Which is 11 if you count parantheses as one. / {} [], maybe? I'm not sure their usage falls under grammar.
  • Period, comma, colon, semi-colon, apostrophe, hyphen, ellipsis, question mark, exclamation point, slash, dash, quotation marks?
  • Full stop, (period) comma, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation mark, parenthesis, colon, semi-colon, dash, ellipsis, brackets, slash, hyphen, and quotation marks

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