• A differential stain is a second stain, which binds to structures left colorless by the first stain.
  • A differential stain is a compound stain that stains certain bacteria different colors, depending on their specific structures. A simple stain stains all (most) bacteria equally.
  • A simple stain requires the use of a single basic stain to color a bacterial cell, use of either crystal violet, methylene blue or a basic fuchsin, lt doesn't require heat-fixing.While the differential stain requires the use of multiple stains, the use of lodine and decolorizer such as; acid-alcohol or acetone alcohol and requires heat fixing.
  • simple staining uses only one dye to stain in contrast, differential staining uses two or more dyes to stain the specimen so that it is easy to differentiate...
  • where are you going lads .A diffenential stain does exactly as it says it diffenciates bacteria into catagorys e.g a gram stain shows whether bacteria is gram positive oor gram negative.this is hugely important in the treatment by physicians. A simple stain is used only for the purpose of seeing the morphology of the bacteria .ie size and shape Bren

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