• i think we are all racists,we just don't go about advertising it.
  • Not exactly. Maybe that person just doesn't like a person out of their race.
  • Well, I am that box you check if you are not white or! Anyway, I was always around ppl "like me"...the schools I attended and the neighborhood I lived in were predominately ppl "like me". Now I am in college and the diversity is better but you could still say sparse...mainly because it's an (HBCU). I have never really given any thought to be with anyone "outside of my race"...but I doubt seriously that makes you a racist.
  • No people have their preferences of who they want to date and that doesn't mean their racist
  • Not at all.
  • No, not at all. It just depends on who you are exposed to and what you like about the other person.
  • No. Cannot jump into a conclusion like that.
  • I'd say it's a little racist if they've committed to never date anyone of another race. But if it's just because they never met someone of another race that they liked, then no.
  • Depends on the reason why. Interracial relationships aren't always easy- some people might not be willing to deal with a partner from a different culture.
  • No... Perhaps they are not attracted to the appearance... Perhaps they are attracted to surfer dudes with blonde hair and blue eyes. That leaves the Latino dudes in the "friend" category. Personally, I only date women who have.... Breath.
  • Depends on why one would not date them. Most people dont date outside their race due to personal preference, not any sort of racist or bigoted ideals.

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