• This question is one of those with no correct answer or no definitive answer anyway. It depends who you ask. There always seem to be exceptions, whatever characteristics you pick. 1) Organization. This is a bit vauge in itself, but seems to mean there's a well defined boundary between the living bit and the non-living bit. Typically a cell or collection of cells. 2) Reproduction. You must at some point come back and count more than you started with! 3) Mutation. The new things that are generated must not always be identical to the parent. If those weird cube creatures keep splitting into eight cube children, they're not alive. 4) Growth. The ability to increase in size. The need for this kind of follows from reproduction unless every child is smaller than the parent ad inifinitum! 5) Metabolism. Incorporating stuff into your structure, absorbing some form of energy, using it, and getting rid of waste stuff. So a "car" satisfies #5. 6) Response/Reaction. The organism must react in some way to its environment. A stone is not alive. It doesn't grow roots when it encounters some nice soil, for instance. 7) Homeostasis. All the lists I found included this one. It seems to mean the ability to actively maintain some internal parameters. Temperature and glucose level are the typical examples. 8) Hm. This is the wishy washy one. Some say DNA - but that's sort of a circular definition. Some split metabolism into "in" and "out". At least one says death - I get the point - it can't really be life if nothing dies. Perhaps adaptation to the environment - on a per organism basis (isn't that #6?) or a species basis (that's #3 isn't it?). Some don't have an eighth one. It seems like people liked the idea of eight and then had to stretch to make it fit.
  • The 8 characterstics of life are as follows: 1. Made of cells 2. Adapt and Respond to environment 3. Homeostasis or Internal Balance 4. Based on genetic code- DNA or RNA 5. Evolution- all organisms evolve over time 6. Consume energy 7. All organisms reproduce 8. All organisms grow and develop
  • You dont know hahahhahahahahahaha dem answers wrong hahahahahahahahah
  • Are made up of units called cells, reproduce, are based on a universal genetic codes, grow and develop, obtain and use materials and energy, respond to their environment, maintain a stable internal environment, and evolve.
  • CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING THINGS: they move; they grow; they reproduce; they are sensitive-that is,they can sense and respond to changes in their surroundings; they feed; they respire-that is,they release energy from their food, often by combining it with oxygen; they excrete-that is,they get rid of substances which they do not want.These have been made by some of the chemical reactions going on inside them;and they are made of cells.

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