• Yes its just like softscrub you can get it at your local auto parts store or walmart
  • What type of repair? No headlight kits are designed to repair headlights. They break down into four types: Resurfacer, cleaner, polish, de-oxidizer. Resurface damaged lens surface of scratches and abrasive damage. Cleaners are abrasives that wear off collected matter on the surface of the lens. Polish is usually used to repair abrasive damage caused by both previously mentioned methods. It's designed to provide a temporary shine. A De-Oxidizer is 100% pure liquid and uses no abrasives. It removes the clouding known as oxidation from the surface of plastic headlights instantly without risk of damage to the lens itself.
  • First off do not ever try brake fluid on your headlights, or other home remedies like transmission fluid, or oven cleaner because you will permanently damage your headlight lenses where they can never be restored. If you buy from the internet, research the company, see if they do it locally, if they do then they are probably legit. Look for a complete headlight restoration kit and not some miracle polish, creme, or solution odds are they are some home remedies ie transmission fluid so know your buyer. Lastly you will need something or a kit that includes some sort of sealer because after the restoration is complete you will want to keep them that way, pretty much the only way of doing so is resealing your headlights with a quality uv sealer much like what is put on your headlights to begin with. After you put such a sealer, that has uv inhibitor properties you will only need to perform simple maintenance on them with a microabrasive polish much like Plastx maybe once every 3 months for best results. Good luck, and get them fixed because its not just an aesthetic problem but a road safety issue.
  • There are several headlight cleaning guides on Ebay. I found this one to be most helpful: "The truth about headlight cleaners"

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