• I'm not sure, but I've heard from others who have detoxed off of it and other things like it that sitting in the bathtub helps.
  • If you stop, the sickness generally progresses like this: 1) runny nose 2) blurry vision 3) sweating 4) difficulty attaining sleep 5) loosening of the stool 6) feeling that you MUST stretch muscles and fidget (i will formally address this sensation as the 'heebie-jeebies') 7) full-on diarrhea difficulty remaining asleep 9) runny nose turns into a faucet 10) drenching night sweats 11) and PERHAPS the worst of all, the sensation that you are simultaneously too hot and too cold and there's not a fucking thing you can do about it of course the timing and ordering of the symptoms depends upon your level of dependency and the elimination time of the drug you're using. so if you find yourself in a place where you must dose regularly to prevent sickness, here are some things that worked for me when i decided to quit: Start by going cold-turkey just long enough to get the diarrhea or sweats (whichever comes first is a good sign that you're just starting to wash out). Then proceed with the following... - mortar & pestle set for crushing one of the tablets you'll be buying - 2x daily metoprolol or atenolol 10-20mg (decreases the heebie-jeebies and the sweating --substantially-- and regulates heart rate and blood pressure); these are beta-blockers, but in truth alpha-agonists work better however they are harder to get and are well-known as withdrawal aids so they often cause suspicion. this drug category is not OTC in the states; it will be the only hard one to score BUT IT IS INTEGRAL in this withdrawal process and is what makes the difference between slightly decreased agony and general tolerability during your withdrawal period. You will be able to taper this drug within three weeks of stopping your hardcore opioid. Having a blood pressure machine that also counts pulse is an excellent way to determine whether you are ready to decrease your beta blocker. - 800-1400mg cimetidine (trade name tagamet; generic cheaper) in early AM (this stuff has an LD50 of like 45,000mg; you will not hurt yourself). It inhibits the CYP2D6 and CYP2E1 enzymes of the liver, which in tandem are responsible for some of the breakdown of various opioids in the liver. It will lengthen and smooth the tapering of the next drug I suggest. It will also have the added effect of decreasing withdrawal nausea and enabling you to survive on less of the other drugs (i.e. cheaper). - 2mg loperamide tablets pseudo-titrated to tolerance of symptoms. Make sure you get generic so the tablet is as small as possible. The dose required might vary wildly depending upon who you are and what you're stopping. Count them every day so you don't INCREASE your dose instead of decreasing it. Make your goal to be using 1mg less than previous every second day. It's very reasonable considering how it will taper. Combined with the cimetidine they will have a very long effect. Don't expect any kind of euphoria, because even snorted very little of this will cross the bbb. This turns out to be an ADVANTAGE, which i will discuss further in a bit. Route of administration should be oral in early AM and after that it should be insufflated (snorted) as necessary. Crush with mortar & pestle and snort through a bump straw (aka coffee stirrer) slowly and gently and as far back into the nostrils as you can reach. Check for powder residue and remove with q-tip as necessary (otherwise you look like a cokehead). Ideally use half-tablets at intervals no more frequent than once hourly. It will have a delayed effect in decreasing your withdrawal symptoms, so be patient on day zero of quitting -- the instant you notice the heebie-jeebies aren't driving you nuts, you can rest assured over the next hour you will only feel better. Remember your cimetidine lengthens the duration of action. Use this same number of pills the next day, then the third day use one-half tablet less. Keep going until you only need to take your morning oral pills (the pivotal moment is when you can stop snorting loperamide; in my case i was able to do it after just two days of snorting and i got by on one and one-half pills orally once daily for two days). - nicotine gum 4mg. This provides a soothing dopamine rush every once in a while. Do not use within five hours of bed time, though. Also do not smoke. It peaks too quickly and is eliminated in a very expensive way for the body. - Phenylephrine (NOT pseudoephedrine) to aid the runny nose (the runny nose will be the least relieved of your symptoms, but your beta blocker will make pseudoephedrine almost nilpotent). Let me clarify some things: Because the loperamide can slightly (at tiny concentrations that would be negligible to any clinician) cross the blood-brain barrier via the olfactory exploit (can you say 'exposed nerve endings?'), you're not going to be truly 'healing' yet. You're just decreasing your tolerance in a gentle way. When you're no longer snorting, the healing begins. What will happen here is the oral loperamide still binds to receptors throughout the peripheral system and provides relief. There's a nice double-effect happening at this point: 1) the peripheral nervous system is being somewhat soothed, while your internal pressures are maintained at comfortable levels so the heebie-jeebies aren't happening and you don't have the drenching night sweats for more than about two nights. 2) the central nervous system is NOT being soothed, which is surprisingly not very uncomfortable. your mood won't be great but here's the kicker: since the cns is no longer having its opioid need met externally, your brain is FORCED to re-learn the ability to make endogeneous opioids. Over the next week or two, if you stick to the loperamide taper you'll notice you never feel any worse and it's generally tolerable. Because it's possible to trick the brain in this way, you'll notice suddenly that you're down to half a loperamide tablet. KEEP FUCKING TRACK OF THE NUMBER OF PILLS YOU'RE EATING AND SNORTING OR ELSE THIS WILL GO HAYWIRE. Then just stop. You won't even get rebound diarrhea. Key to keeping yourself comfortable is the beta blocker or alpha agonist. You can still do it without, but it's much more like going CT. ---------- A final caveat: You absolutely MUST really want away from your opioids. If you plan to return to occasional opioid use, you had better plan on waiting no less than one continuous year of clean time before trying it again. The body is good at anything it gets a lot of practice at doing, for example increasing its tolerance to a drug. If you don't give the body a substantially long time to forget about how to be tolerant, it will surprise you by remembering very quickly. Another user was complaining about how loperamide held him over between methadone injections, but that the methadone required was increased later. This is typical; the body is good at becoming tolerant just like it's good at storing extra energy as fat. BE PATIENT, BE DEDICATED, KICK THE HABIT, WAIT A YEAR, AND THEN HAVE FUN WITH IT. i only gave mine three months and i found it was not long enough. so here i sit quitting again. c'est la vie. Please not this guide was not written by me Krossceeper but by a guy named AMAR. Check out Bluelight if your really serious they can help you with quiting.
  • do you have any help for detoxing at home in Canada. We can't get many of the drugs for helping that you can in Canada.
  • How do you get these things. It isn't illegal to get sober,damn. Sometimes it seams like they legalized painkillers so if you do not see you Doctors regularly you go through 100 times more pain than originally. From the get go painkillers take me over physically and I hate it please help me off the Oxycontin and oxycodone It is hard and it has been years. I was off for a year until massive seizure injured my spine again but I want off no matter,. So Please tell me where to get these ingredients.
  • best thing to do is lock yourself in your home with a fridge full of food.. forget trying to replace the dope with some other kind of drug. quitting cold turkey is the best method, since most people who use a crutch to quit will just end up back on the dope. also, seek psychological help if you're hiding depression with a opiate addiction, that way you don't go running back to the dope the next time you get depressed. there's more to getting clean than just quitting the drug. you have to change your lifestyle, your habits (since you probably have been hustling to get your dope) and change who you hang out with. peer pressure from your old dealer will get you relapsed quicker than a fly on poop. i shot dope for 11 years and quit cold turkey.. it CAN be done.. good luck =)
  • After the motorcycle accident and 4 years of surgeries my husband just toughed it out, nasty, not fun, but he did it. He said that after two very unpleasant weeks he was okay mostly okay. He has not taken any in over 2 years. Maybe the suggestions here will help.
  • You dont detox at home, you can die from withdrawing from drugs, if you arent supervised. It is extremely dangerous, it can even cause more health problems because of the violent withdrawls.
  • Call Rush Limbaugh...he's got a toll-free number!
  • good luck!!! The only think I know that will help is suboxone and it is a expensive fix... but it will take away all withdrawl... the side effects are small... and worth every penny.
  • SO anyway I wasn't trying to talk to an old junky who wants to call people with real chronic medical issues to call me a whoosy cause I am asking for help on how to get off the Oxy that my physician has had me on for a while to try to help me walk not someone who is sticking a heroin needle in his arm for 11years for the pure junkyness of it . You probably quit CT in jail. Please give me some real ways like the person who wrote this original paragraph tried to on helping people who really would like to sober all the way up no matter what
  • Suboxone is a prescription med that will help you detox at home and as long as you don't get scammed by a place like medtox, it is covered by most insurance plans. Google: find a suboxone doctor.
  • i was real bad with oxy's not gonna get into details you all know the drill, everyone has their own war stories. i've detoxed and relapsed many different times, some by choice and others times because i got shipped out for a period of time (army reserve). the times when i was shipped out would be cold turkey and up at 5 am doin army shit everyday. beleive it or not that made it easiest, staying busy, drinking water, and flushing the system out the old fashioned way without giving your body or mind annytime to feel sorry for yourself by sitting around all day thinkin about all the oxy's you've done. so what it comes down to is the want and drive to stop, if you don't want it more than anything don't waste your time or put your body through the pain. if you're at home and want to detox just drink LOTS of and i mean LOTS of water always have a glass by your side. if your piss isn't clear as water you need more water. Take vitamins to replace all nutrients you'll be losing from shitting yourself with dihareha. Take HOT baths maybe twice a day if you can, it makes you sweat a little which is good to detox, and it also gets rid of the dead toxic skin on your body, avoid shampoos, they prolong the detox.(don't ask i read it somewhere) you probably wont be able to eat very much so take back a few protein shakes throughout the day it give you some energy and other good stuff your body needs. go to the steam room at your local gym, the faster you can sweat that poison out the better. and try to run a little or jog if you can. i know it's tough the key to getting over withdrawals without rehab is sweating and pissing and number two. think about that's how your body gets rid of things.
  • This is long, I am sort of venting. Skip to the very end if you want some advice on how to get off of these fucking pills.. The rest is just releasing.. My doctor left me writhing in pain for a month straight having me believe I was heavily medicated, 20mg a day oxyconten. I feared getting hooked on these painkillers so much because I have seen better men then me fall to drugs such as these. I suffered so much pain it started to come down to whether I would take my life or take more pills. After the third week I ended up in the hospital. I have passed kidney stones with less trouble. At the hospital i was properly medicated and it dawned on me that for the past three weeks I had been suffering needlessly. I went back to my doctor and told her I was in agony and I needed more medication. She told me I was using the drugs for euphoria and left me floored.... I wanted to die from the pain, I was writhing. I could not watch action movies the sudden movements and noises would cause that muscle in my back to go ice pick... Fortunatly the specialist I got in to see informed my doctor of my suffering and she upped my dosage minutley to 60mg a day.. Not enough but at least I was no longer writhing...... After six months I started weening myself off the pills, the pain was subsiding slowly. I hated my doctor for leaving me in that agony and I wanted to sever all ties with her but I needed the fricken pills, only for pain.. There was never not once any euphoria..Only pain.. I kept getting the same dosage from my doctor but I kept weening myself and saving the pills.. I never ever wanted to be left like that again. The pills I saved were a backup if ever I needed them.. After being in pain for a year it subsided to the point that I did not need the pills for the pain anymore. I weened myself off of them.. Dropping from six pills to five pills to four etc for a month time per drop... This was not bad but as the percentage of dosage drop increased the anxiety level increased. I had hundreds of pills sitting in the drawer which in a way made me feel secure that I could always pop one if things got bad, but I was resolute that I would stop taking them.. Coming off the pills slowly was quite easy compared to quitting smoking only up until I stopped taking them altogether.. I took one last pill and did not sleep for two weeks.. What a fricken nightmare, I would be up till five AM banging my head against the walls. I have to sleep I have to sleep. I might manage falling out of concsiousness for an hour a night, but it was not sleep. It was solid dreams.. Then I would go to work.. I went physcotic, my friends and aquantences at work saw it.... I was off the wall..paranoid, moody talking to myself. I was clear of this drug for six months then fell into a depression.... Then I slipped, after getting my wisdom teeth pulled I took a couple of oxy to make it through. I continued taking them because for the first time I felt the euphoric side of the pills. They made everything in my life fine.. The back pain ache which will be with me for life was going away was just a bonus.. The mental ache of the last two years of hell was now gone while I took these pills. I coninued taking them and slowly but surely my bottles depleted. These pills made me super human, I renovated my house and went to work everyday. I played with my kids with zest and zeal, I wished I had an endless supply. The only problem was loss of sex drive and poor sleep, but pop a pill and within five minutes I had a hammer in my hand renovating my home.. The pill countdown continued from two full bottles to the final one.. I did ween myself slowly but not as slowly as the first time. The need for happiness (or my new normal) was all too powerful.. I have taken these pills for two different reasons and have come off of them for two different reasons.. (Pain--- I hated my doctor and had to severe ties with her. These pills kept me tied to her) (Euphoria----- I simply ran out of pills, I would continue taking them forever but knew that it was not the right thing to do.) I have a family and I could not take that route, I would not go to the streets to find more oxy.. The second time I came off the pills was easier only in the fact that I was laid off of work.. Once again it really hit me hard on that last pill, dropping down a pill a week was not so bad until I dropped from one pill to absolutely nothing.. I did not sleep for two days straight the last two weeks have been two or three hours of dreams and then I would wake up with that ache for oxy. I really want to get my sleep back... Its been two weeks, and I am still suffering but it is getting much better. The weirdest thing of all though is that there are hours where I actually feel like I have taken an oxy. Its like I am euphoric, (maybe its leeching from my bones I do not know) My advice, while coming off... Do it at an appropriate time.... Its almost impossible but you have to try to find a way to hibernate, if you can get off of work for a couple of weeks do so. If you have kids, make sure you dont do it while they are on summer vacation. While there in school at least you have eight hours to yourself. Partake in everything you crave.. Buy loads of icecream, buy loads of potatoe chips chicken wings whatever takes your mind off of that horrible feeling.. Buy hot peppers and eat them. Your sex life will come back, Use it as a distractent. In other words Jerk off alot to get your mind off of that horrible ache of need for another pill.... Take baths, whirlpool would be nice in order to distract your mind from that horrible need for another pill. You can also prepare yourself, prior to coming off of the pills. Take the time to learn how to meditate. Learn how to shut off your conscios mind, it can be done and it will be necessary while going through withdrawel. You will have so many horrible displeasing thoughts, if you are good at meditating you will be able to shut them down at will... Good luck,, and believe me I will never judge anybody on these pills. Having a doctor telling me I was taking the pills for euphoria when in fact I was contemplating suicide as a means to end pain was the ultimate in mind opening experience. Using these pills as a crutch for pain was a necessity, and I also believe using them as a crutch for a shitty life by means of euphoria was also a necessity. You have to wait till the right time to come off of the pills.
  • I'm detoxing right now from oxy's. Sux. I have rheumatoid arthritis, was seeing a gp for 7 months, whom finally admitted that he wasnt allowed to prescribe narcotics. He had me on all this crap, which were supposed to help with pain, like gabapentin, anti depressants, tramadol. My mother in law started giving me some of her oxy's, and my god what a difference! I had a life again! I asked my doc to prescribe some for me, he flat out refused, told me to keep getting them from my mom, and walked out of the room. What a dick. I really want to report him. Anyways, I got another doctor, he prescribed me percocet. I didnt tell him that I got oxy's from my mom in law, figured that in time, he will up my dose to what I actually take already. I'm out of everything right now, til mom sends some in a week. But, she also got me an appointment with the doc she saw when she lived in town, and I will be set. I have no problem being dependant on these things. As long as I have a prescription for them. I mean, shit! I can actually hav e a life again! Im not depressed, and feel that I may even be able to get a job again. My first doctor put me on disability, which put me in financial ruin. I really feel he did me wrong. Detox for a week is going to suck. But at least there is light at the end of the tunnel for me. I understand why this drug is so despised. I have seen many lives ruined by it. (my only sister and my father included). But it also is a miracle drug. It takes the pain away like nothing I have ever experienced. When I first took one, I cried, the relief was so complete.
  • I agree, there are different ways for everyone to Detox, for all kinds of drugs. Theres no right or wrong way, just whats best for you. My boyfriend and I are completely different. We literally had to seperate ourselves for a week or two, because we disagree so much on how to keep our minds off of it. He enjoys occupying time as much as possible...running errands,etc. while I dont' feel like moving at all, all week. Maybe to take a shower, to feel refreshed, or to cook some food or refill my water. Smoking helps too, more than anything in my opinion! Except, sometimes it makes you feel more lazy than you did before. In my opinion, here is whats best for me: 1.take off work, and give yourself at least a week, depending on how bad off you are. Stay alone, so that you can feel and act how you please. get some pillows and blankets, some movies, anything that will keep you occupied. 2. I like gatorade, but its good to get some juices and stuff so you can keep hydrated. It also helps get everything out of you quicker. 3. You will cold sweat and have a lot of trouble sleeping more than likely. So, sometimes it helps to take something to help you sleep. It gets pretty bad and irritating... 4. And last, if you feel up to it, excercise a little when you start to feel better. My muscles were so lazy and sore when I came off, but as soon as I felt good enough to move (after 3 days or so), slight excercise helped me sweat it out, and feel better about myself. Again, there is no right way or wrong way. It sucks, its not fun, its painful at times, and it DEFINITELY doesn't put you in a good mood :) But you got to do it! Or life will be more painful later. Its nice to know you have someone to talk to, but if you are doing it alone, just know you CAN do it. And its AMAZING to see how much better you feel when you do. Afer the first 3 days or so (maybe a week) its mostly mental cravings you have to fight. After 2 weeks, you should be golden. Just keep your mind on bigger and better things. Give yourself a goal, something to look forward too ( a treat/reward if you will) when you are done. Its motivation that is easily lost when you start to take on the responsibilities of addiction.You tend to forget what you love to hang in there, and get it done! It'll be more than worth it to smell, taste, run, love, and be happy again. Its your life! Why not enjoy it? ( and not the kind of enjoy that got us here in the first place...)
  • exercise, and drinking a lot of water. if you get headaches, take a tylenol or bc/goodys powder. loss of energy? go for a walk or wash your car. be active, and stay positive!!
  • there's this thing called rehab. go to one now. don't trust yourself to get over it alone. you will most likely relapse. for you & everyone around you's sake, please get help.
  • I'm very new to oxy. My husband was using it for a few years he pawned basically everything we had even my wedding rings! i hated him i had just had our little baby girl when eveything finally went wrong for him...I busted him finally after two soild years of it. Sent him to bradford it worked for about 8 months, Now i'm hooked! i tried it with him one time and it's all i could think about the next day.Now i'm just like him. Lying, stealing, pawning...I'm a good person i swear. I love my little girl more than life it's self. I work everyday to make sure she has food in her mouth and a place to lay her head down at night. I have decided to leave my husband and start a new life and get my soul back. I move into my townhome monday. I feel so guilty for leaving him behind in all the mess WE'VE MADE! he has taken everything and hasn't said one word about me doing this right along with him, due to both of our families thinking so highly of me! I'M A FAKE,LIAR,AND I DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING THAT I'M GETTING RIGHT NOW! I need to know how bad my withdrawls may be if i've been hooked on these for about 9 months doing about 40 to 80 mgs a day. I was snorting them. Should i try to get my mom and mother in law to help me with my baby right now??? and is there anything i can take over the counter???
  • when detoxing at home you have to get the vitamens replaced in youre body drinking water alone will only keep flushing youre body of important vitamens you need thats why some people feel weaker and worse instead of getting better each day they detox. drinking all the gatorade you can plus taking vitamens everyday will help with the detoxing process. its always best to have a doctor to wean you off slowly but if that isnt possible then time is the only thing thats going to work. taking suboxone works great but if you are not a street user and really are in pain then this will not be the way because when youre pain is peaking and you do take a pain pill it will throw you into detoxing after you take it. its only for patients who are not in pain just abusers. at times when detoxing youre mind will be racing a million miles a hour. and thinking of doing things like moving furniture to see if you dropped a pill while taking them or even breaking into a pharmacy. when my doctor died and it took me a month to find a new one while he had me on 80mgs of oxy four times a day and percocets 10mgs 4 to 6 times a day. it was pure hell. it took every bit of 14 days or more untill i finally quit being sick and could mantain a conversation without shaking like a crack head. when i went back to a new doctor i was aleady detoxed and found that my pain then was mainly in the evenings from bone cancer i went back to just taking lortabs when needed. going to a methadone detox for five days will knock the symtoms off seriously it helped me the second time i decided to quit because my meds quit working and i didnt wont back on the 80 dose i was on the first time. they give you methadone everyday twice a day and wean you off in five days. the cravings will still be there when you come home but not as bad. only time helps that symtom. every morning you wake up not using you will feel better about youreself. but the first two weeks you will be praying to die most of the time at 3 in the morning when you cannot sleep. at detox they will give you klonipin for the shakes and restless feelings of not sleeping. and keep you away from caffeine drinks. klonipin is like valium moreless the same familly. and benadryl for sleeping. and symtom meds for the running nose and diarrhea. pissing every five minutes has to stop itself without meds thats where the gatorade will help with the vitamens lost while doing it.
  • All you have to do is find a methadone clinic. They will detox you out patient. otherwise, go to a specialist in pain management MD or DO for evaluation.
  • I wouldn't detox at home, sorry.
  • I would advise AGAINST playing around with other combinations of drugs to replce the opioids in your system while you are detoxing (you're not a doctor!) I would also advise against suboxone or methadone until you try to quit yourself - as others have said it can be done! My advice, and i am not an expert, is to have someone you trust give you a certain amount everyday, and decrease that amount everyday. Its important to have someone else do it for you so that you do not know how much less you are getting each day (aka blind detox) that will help you mentally. Good luck.
  • i'm almost out too.i'm looking for the same answer.maybe smoke lots of weed i'm thinking

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