• ALL 1971 Mercedes Benz 280SE 3.5 convertibles were manufactured by Daimler-Benz AG in Stuttgart, Germany. The Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) of these convertibles contain 14 digits. All start with the numbers "111027". Also manufactured that same year were 280SE 3.5 Coupes (2-door hardtops). Likewise, they were ALL manufactured in Stuttgart. The VIN of these Coupes start with the numbers "111026". Some Coupes were converted to convertibles both in Europe and the USA by body and "chop" shops. They are not the "real" convertibles, e.g., manufactured at the Daimler-Benz factory. Examining the VIN tag at the driver's door is the easiest way to distinguish a factory-made convertible from a Coupe that was later converted. Serious collectors of these cars tend to stay away from the converted models. They typically do not have the same high value as the factory-made convertibles.
  • I assume your car has been converted to DOT curious as to the vin number...they made 4,502 of the 3.5coupes and convertibles combined (they sequentially numbered the cars in the last four numbers regardless of body type)...,1,232 convertibles and 3,270 coupes...about 800 of the convertibles andl 500 of the coupes came into the USA starting in second quarter of 1970 and production ceased in July of 1971...let me know your vin number...I am thinking of starting a registry service on line for these lovely machines...I have a 111.027 1200 4280 covertible and a 111.026 1200 4235

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