• I am so sorry for your loss. Your friend is with God now. If there were a way for your friend to speak to you, he/she would want you to know how wonderful it is. Death is not the end. I personally do not understand how it works, but I am positive there is more after life and it is good.
  • He/She must have done what God sent them here to do...whatever that is! I'm sorry to hear about your loss! Take care and hang in there.
  • I lost my boyfriend at age 27 last year, it almost killed me. I don't think it's fair either but I've learned that absolutely EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Unfortunately, during the greiving period, it's almost impossible to figure out what that is. Hold on to the memories and he/she will always be with you. I know it doesn't sound like much comfort now, I wanted to scream when people said that to me but I really believe it now.
  • its so sad when this happens ....I had 2 strokes and survived and yet not long after 5 kids all under 17 whom I knew from eggs ...died in car smashes and to me thats just not fair at all and I asked and still do why not me instead of them
  • I'm sorry for the loss of your friend, but I don't think God decides to take anybody. He just made the conditions for life and had the sense to let us grow up the way any decent parent would. My cousin died when she was 10 and I was 12, and almost 50 years later I sometimes find myself crying over the memory. Life can really be tough at times, but if you are lucky you will experience more positive than negative experiences of it.
  • i am so sorry on the loss of your friend! many people think as you do and think that God is to blame when someone dies. it's sad that they think like this because their own religious leaders will outright say things like "it was god's will" "he needed another angel in heaven" etc. the bible actually says that when we experience a tragedy such as a death of a loved one, that we shoul never think God is to blame. james 1:13 says:"when under trial let no one say:"i am being tried by God." for with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone." the fact is that because of our imperfect flesh we can and do fall victim to sickness and that leads to death. however take consolation in knowing that there is hope for those who succumb to death. again in the bible we can learn that those that have died will one day resurrect back to life. a very faithful serveant of Jehovah God by the name of job once asked the question "if an able-bodied man dies can he live again? then he added "you will call, and i myself shall answer you." (job 14:14,15) how wonderful to one day be reunited with those that we had lost to death. the bible promises that one day death will be a thing of the past right here on earth. that day is coming very soon now. i hope you too can look forward to seeing your friend as you once knew each other. for more information on this subject of when you can expect to see your friend again go to and may Jehovah bless your efforts to find out more about his purposes for earth and mankind.
  • I don't think God takes anyone. What does God need with your friend? Wouldn't her family want her around. Death does not play any favorites. We all face death, some just sooner than others.
  • Losing someone you love at any age makes you question God. Life has never nor will ever be fair, we all have to cross this bridge. I'm sorry for your grief. Death is a thief, it steals our hearts of joy and peace, it leaves us poor in spirit. We do not grieve for the one who has died but for ourselves we morn. Never to be in the presents of the one we love is a very finale reality. We must go on one breath at a time, until our breath too is no more, then we shall have the answer.
  • Dont think I will ever know why God takes people I'm having a very sad few days cos one of my good friends was taken from me in a car crash only 24 can't understand how this happens i'm sorry i cant answer better

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