• This cannot be measured. The monobloc or universal structure that existed prior to the bang, in theory, contained an immense amount of material with an unmeasurable energy potential. At the time of the bang - the early expansion phase of the universe - energy was released in a myriad number of ways, as the latent energy of the monobloc was released and matter was converted to energy and other forms of matter. We do not fully understand the processes involved, so we cannot estimate the energy released during this process.
  • For most kinds of Universe modeled by cosmologists, gravity acts as negative energy and balances out all matter & motion. Therefore, most scientists think that the total energy of the Universe is likely Zero or at least very tiny, not much more then a single energetic quantum particle. This is clearly difficult to accept, as it seems that the Big Bang did awful lot of work and made allot of stuff, but all this can be undone by gravity (or other forces) sucking everything back to where it started, undoing the Big Bang, much like a stone thrown into the air that falls back to the ground.

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