• The Republic of Ireland is an independent nation and the UK would have no legal or moral justification to invade them. The Irish revolution of 1917 to 1923 was fought and won (with the exception of the region now known as Northern Ireland) to secure the independence of the Irish people from British rule. Countries don't go around invading other countries just for the fun of it. Well, *most* countries don't - the remainder try not to have any fun while they are doing it. Almost all wars are nothing more than a futile waste of human life. ------------------------------------------------------------ Re: "the 2nd paragraph is irrelevant since that's understood based on common sense" I disagree. The wording of this question - and several others in the same vein - suggests that the individual(s) asking them consider(s) military aggression an acceptable approach to international relations, in particular where no reason exists for such actions. Why should any nation instigate violence on another, except to force them into a subservient role for the vanity and profit of a handful of wealthy and powerful individuals?
  • Why would they want to? What benefit would it be? Modern nations don't just go around conquering other nations for no reason.
  • It's interesting that some people clearly do think that this kind of aggressive approach is acceptable. Just look at Tibet (while it still exists) - it has been invaded by it's neighbour China on a similar basis. The reason that countries in the West don't generally invade neighbouring countries is (a) We have a set of moral codes which are relatively common and hold certain actions to be unacceptable. (b) There would be little to gain from it politically, socially or financially, and everything to lose. (c) Most nations spend decades trying to bring peace and stability to their borders in order that both nations can prosper. (d) Overt agression rapidly destabilises a region as other countries become worried that the same might happen to them, causing other regional hostility. This was apparent in the early stages of both world wars.
  • That would just create more hostility between England and the Irish republic. Besides England did try to take over ireland, but between 1968 and 1994, over 3,500 people died and over 35,000 were injured in Northern Ireland as a direct result of the fighting, so i don't think it would be worth it.
  • Hmmm.... Why don't I kill you?
  • See my avatar? That might be why. There`s lots more people like that where he came from. The English surrendered to the IRA, couldn`t defeat them and never will.
  • uuhh? thats why its in a state now, and war wouldnt just effect republic of ireland northern ireland is right next to it which is part of the UK, war would involve most of the population of northern ireland dieing who are UK citizens. also have you ever heard of IRA bombings, they were the original terrorists long before Bin Laden and have killed far more people in the UK than any muslim terrorists ever have. when i was a kid every week there were bombing on TV by irish terrorists. going to war with ireland would be a BAD idea and would create civil war which ireland already has a civil war that spills over into th UK. theyve only just about got the irish troubles down to an acceptable level. and thats probably because northern and southern ireland are more worried about terrorists from Iraq and Afghanistan now than each other.
  • becuz the priminister that does that will never be elected, too many irish moved to england becuz of poverty, so many brits are part irish and would not go to war with their relations. I myself am a part irish englishman and would not suport any invasion of the emreld isle.
  • England has a gigantic debt already. Ireland is proportionally in even more debt. When the housing bubble burst in Dublin you could smell the stink in London.
  • Why not invade France, Belgium, or Holland? Why doesn't Mexico invade the USA? Ireland is an independent country, as it has made very clear in the past. Conquest by force is, very correctly, a thing of the past; countries only merge when they want to - e.g. east and West Germany.
  • We dont want to invade Southern Ireland and are quite content having Ulster(Teddy Bears Head) as part of the UK.And as the majority of people in Ulster are pro British and support the monarchy it will remain part of the UK.
  • Why? Because it's not on anyones agenda and would be deeply unpopular, not just with other Brits but the rest of the world. A pointless childish question.
  • Come on and try! Besides they(Britain: Including scotland and wales) tried years ago but you can always try again! +5 :)
  • For what purpose? Great Britain has enough troubles without inviting the wrath of the Irish on themselves! Possibly they've finally learned their lesson.
  • Doesn't benefit either country. People from Ireland can still join the British army though.

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