• Firstly, I really do think that you need to confront him about his behaviour. Whatever he says, this kinds of thing just isnt right. Whenever he is doing is this he might as well be saying to you "you are just not good enough for me" or "you dont really do it for me anymore!". It is probably more likely that your partner is feeling a bit insecure and a bit worried about the prospect of becoming a father. It is likely that he wont act on this and actually meet anyone. He may just think that because it is virtual then he isnt cheating at all. But none-the-less this type of behaviour is not acceptable, and you should remind him that although it may be virtual and not real that the consequences of his actions are very real to you. Good luck with it and with the baby. xx
  • Oh holy cow!!! I am nearly 6 mths pregnant and just found a text on my boyfriends mobile asking for pictures and there was a list of prices for sexual services...He doesnt know I found it either but I am thinking of leaving his mobile open on his pillow at the message with prices. I guess you had your baby..Did it all work out for you? What did you end up doing? I dont want to be alone and pregnant with my other children..
  • walk up to that nigga and straight up tell him to stop the shit cut the shit out you have a sone to thik about and just to stop
  • That's not good at all. That is cheating in my mind and you really need to sit down and have a serious conversation with him about this. +5

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