• Not really. I thought, "Hum, he has on a pinky ring, a mustache, and a pink shirt, maybe I should just leave." lol We met on a blind date.
  • No, I didn't. I was seeing someone else and was to focussed on that person and all of his drama to realize I was developing a deeper conection to my fiance. It took me four months to figure it out.
  • oh yeah !... we both did , love at first sight for the both of us ..our hearts became one and still are to this day
  • I didn't. I was actually dating someone else when I met her. I thought she was really cool and a hottie. After I broke up, my wife to be told me she was just waiting for my girlfriend and I to break up. My wife told me later that the first time she smelled me she knew I was the one.
  • Definitely. His exact words were "I'm keeping you". And to be honest, I haven't a clue how I knew. It was just like my mom always said, "I don't know how you'll know, you just will"
  • No. I was dating someone else, but in a couple of weeks, she convinced me. Too bad she no longer feels the same way.
  • I've been married twiceand in both cases I knew the first time I met them I would marry them!! I have no idea how I knew I just Knew!!!!!
  • No. We met at work and I was still married (barely).
  • Asolutely... atleast I knew he was the one... We were engaged soon after and married a few months after that. It def is a feeling of I "just Know" and all the ones before seep into oblivion.. and you forget about them!
  • I first met my wife in person last August after having been best friends online with her for over a year. There was no question she and I were meant for each other, right from the first eye contact. We both felt as though I was finally coming home after having been away for a very long time. I sold much of what I owned and moved the rest here to Texas. We were married last November. : ))
  • Well, yes and no. We first met online by complete coincidence. We were both playing some stupid browser-based game and he attacked my man! LOL! We started chatting but it started out just as two strangers from two different parts of the world getting to know each other. He's Belgian and I'm American. After a few months, we realized we had way more in common than what we originally thought, and we started talking much more often and then after almost a year of talking every single day through phone, text, email, or chatting (minus one day where he was at a festival for a weekend and his phone died while we were listening to the Foo Fighters together hehe), he flew to Atlanta where I was living at the time. Now, the moment we saw each other and he said "Hey baby!" with that wonderful warm smile I did know he was the one. It almost felt magical, like all of the sudden I felt a complete calmness and just knew it to be true. We started making plans for our life together from that visit... and after many flights back and forth (him to the states and me to Belgium), I moved to Belgium at the beginning of the year and we were married in March. :D
  • Nope... I thought she was "some chick" that I was hopefully gonna bag.

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