• I think that in the UK on the motorways the limit should be a flat 100mph. However in the US the roads are generally so straight that I do not see a need to limit speed on them.
  • I'm all for driving fast, but many of us don't seem to be able to handle our cars at the present speeds.
  • In some places yes, but generally no. Many places I drive are either densely populated or beyond the driving skills of many drivers in the first place. There is no getting around F = m * v^2
  • in idaho there is no speed limit. the laws just say you should travel at a "reasonable" speed based on the conditions
  • True, cars today are more safer if you get in a car accident. On the flip side of that, newer cars have crumple zones to lessen the impact of a collision, which means that there is much more damage to your car. Now you have to fix that. Let's also not forget that there are still older cars on the road, and too many people still get into accidents and too many people still die from said accidents, so theres no reason to add more speed into the equation.
  • The safety of autos is one thing, the road rage behind the wheel, is something entirely different. Most states already have a max. speed limit of 70 mph and the majority of drivers already drive way above that figure, already. Raising the speed limit is not safe. even at 70 mph, a person is aiming their vehicle, not driving it. When you have the opportunity, stand out near the interstate and feel the wind and back draft of cars going 70 mph. just imagine what it feel like to impacted by a vehicle going that fast. i have been there many times. it will blow your mind. Keep the speed limits as they are now. raise to 75 mph and drivers will be traveling at 90 plus mph. Its all about safety.

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