• Only through interpretive dance. :)
  • Yes, with this image:
  • We know that all galaxies are rushing away from each other. So, as time passes, they will continue to get further and further apart. This implies that, if we go back in time, then the galaxies would get closer and closer together. This eventually leads to the conclusion that at one time the whole Universe was compressed into a single point of zero volume and infinite density that then expanded into the universe that we see today. That, in a nutshell, is the big bang theory.
  • Not really - but it felt good.
  • Extremely complex. In a nut shell: The universe is expanding, this can be seen by looking at how the wavelength of light from distant objects (such as galaxies) are affected by movement. It is usually referred to as Red Shift as the light is shifted to the red end of the spectrum. Think Doppler effect - similar process. The sound wavelength changes depending on if the vehicle is approaching you or moving away from you. Now switch the direction of time. If the universe is expanding, doing this will make the universe contract. Keep this going and the entire universe ends up at a single point approximately 13 billion years ago. Switch time round the "correct" way and the universe expanded from a single point. This was the Big Bang. How do we test this? Well red shift is a good start and also if there is a bang there is often an echo. We found this, a thermal "echo" of the big bang called the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. About 1% of the static on your TV is this background radiation if memory serves :) That is simplistic way of putting it and begs many questions but there are a million and one web resources on this topic out there... or I can answer specific questions. :)
  • I love that show
  • The big bang theory was an idea that at one time all matter in the universe existed in one giant mass and one day it exploded, sending clumps of matter sailing through the universe. Now, the theory being suggested is that at one time there was nothing. Then, a single string of energy appeared. This single string of energy gave birth to more strings and they formed quartz. The quartz then formed protons, electrons and other subatomic particles. This soup organized itself and formed atoms. Well, check out Novas program at I liked it because one physicist in this program explained this theory and I thought it sounded just like Genesis 1

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