• Nothing good comes of executions. If you talk to the families of victims after the State kills them, they often say that they expected closure, but still don't feel it. It is my position that civilized societies don't execute people. I'm not sure about cruel and unusual punishment. If they would eliminated the pancuronium that paralyzes the body so that it doesn't go into seizure and makes the whole thing seem like drifting 'off to sleep', people would probably have very different opinions. The same is true with 'ECT' (electroconvulsive therapy). Despite what the doctors tell you, it is the same mechanism as the ECT used in the old movies, except that now a nerve paralyzing agent is administered (succinylcholine) in this case, and barbiturates to relax the muscles and keep the body from moving. It causes brain damage, and many ECT 'patients' cannot remember weeks of events leading up to the treatment and have difficulty orienting to time and place for days.
  • I think they should just lay down and shut up....if they took the life of someone I loved I would go to court saying they don't even deserve a lethal injection....besides they give them something to relax them. I want them to suffer with something so awful they will remember( even if it is for a few minutes ) the suffering of their victims and the families that are left behind......that is only my opinion and nothing will change my mind.
  • What would they want instead? Are they saying their crimes were not cruelly committed or that they are innocent? What did they do that resulted in their receiving the death penalty? Would they rather have the chair, noose, or firing squad instead? In Japan, the death penalty is carried out without prior notice to the criminal and there is no other method other than hanging.
  • Nice long eternal slumber. I guess that is cruel and unusual. I hate people that are convicted by their peers in a court of law, use all their appeals. Only to pull a time delaying stunt like this. I may have to jump in my car the day they get executed and do a little tailgating in celebration of justice being served. Geez, whats wrong with people.

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