• At almost any chain grocery store, in the cleaning isles, you will find carpet cleaners. Find one that has a scent you enjoy, prefferable one with baking soda, and use as the directions say. The baking soda additive will not just cover the coffee scent, but actually "absorb" the oder. I suggest getting one of the power cleaners, rather than the sprays or foams. The baking soda tactic works better when you can vacuum it out. If you are not willing to try any of the chemicle versions, try using just baking soda. It will, but it may not be as fast-acting as you would like. Some people say that damp baking soda works fast than dry. This is true. However, keep in mind, damp baking soda is also a lot hard to remove from the carpter afterwards. If you decided to not do anything, the odor will still go away. It will just take a lot longer than the above suggestions.
  • Don't put it in there and you wouldn't have to get it out. It helps to keep the coffee in the cup anyway. You can't drink it from the carpet.

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